Sunday, May 26, 2019

II Timothy 1:7 - "Confidence"

Before bed and again once during the night God had me praying for pastors. The only one specifically was Doc. He had such pain last night even with the pain pills. I prayed with him before going to sleep for the pain to ease and for him to get a good night's rest. When I was waken during the night to pray, he seemed to be resting comfortably and I praised God for that. I also asked God to bless him so he would be able to preach today. I am grateful he has realized he has to do it sitting but he can still do it with God's strength. I also am grateful the congregation is ok with him sitting. I continue to pray for a healing in his body. I pray for strength for both of us as we go through these difficult days. Someone asked the other day why God allows 'bad' things to happen to 'good' people. I do not believe God differentiates between 'bad' and 'good' people. If He would, then I would say He allows things to happen to those who will go stronger in their faith. He loves everyone, not just those who walk with Him. 

II Timothy 1:7 has taken on new meaning to me. A few weeks ago I read in a commentary that the last part means walking in obedience to His will. I loved this way of thinking. I do not have to fear anything on this earth because I know where I will spend eternity. I can live in His empowerment to conquer anything as I walk in obedience to His will. God is greater than C. He is greater than anything the enemy throws our way. He is greater than any negative words spoken over us. Plain and simple. He is greater. I am praying for pastors to realize this today as they go to their churches to proclaim the Good News. I am praying for them to understand they have nothing to fear. I also am praying for pastors...

...whose churches are struggling financially, God will provide. 
...who have people in their congregations who are speaking doom over them, God is greater. 
...who have health issues and/or their spouses or children have health issues, God is with them and desires to heal them.
...who are confused over if they are doing what God desires of them, God is not the father of confusion as satan is but is the Father of Clarity.
...who are struggling with blatant sin, God desires them to repent and be reconciled back into pure relationship with Him.
...who need to turn over every aspect of life to Him, He is ready to cleanse and fill them.
...who are fighting a battle of any sort to realize He desires for them to live in His Confidence.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for some 'normalcy' yesterday with a trip to the meat market and a meal at the table. Thank You for the words of encouragement from a friend that prompted us to draw closer to You. Thank You for the song another friend sent to encourage us to draw closer to You. Lord, I believe Your desire is to heal Doc. I do not know how this will happen but I know it will. I also believe it will happen through life not death. "On earth as it is in heaven" is my prayer. Thank You Father! I also believe You desire to cleanse us so You can fill us. You have called us to be Your servants and we want to continue to be faithful. Lord, bless my prayers for pastors. May all pastors feel Your presence in their spirits today. May they walk in Your will and be the mouthpiece You have called them to be. Thank You Father for being with me yesterday with my Final Exam. I greatly disliked not being able to remember which made my grade ugly but it is over and for that I am grateful. One more post and the class will be done. Thank You for getting me through these last few weeks with the class and all that is going on with Doc's health. Father, I continue to pray for wisdom for doctors but most of all I pray for You to be glorified through this diagnosis for him. Thank You Father for being My Confidence! Amen.

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