Saturday, June 1, 2019

II Timothy 1:7 - "Build My Life"

Yesterday was a day of blessings. Doc was so scared to hear the results of the Pet Scan. We had to wait on the doctor and that did not help the anxiety. But when he came in we were blessed by their words.They said...
  • He was a 'star' with having a Pet Scan where the cancer is contained in the pancreas. Most people have them done to find it already spread to other places.
  • His diet of protein and little carbs (Keto) he was one prior to this will be an asset in the coming months.
  • They want him to be exercising 3-5 days a weeks. Getting back on his bicycle was encouraged. Once again, this will be an asset in the coming months.
  • The 'cocktail' he will have should not too hard on him. One normally does not cause nausea and the other one is minimal and he will be given medication before hand to counteract it if it does occur.
  • One of the medications in the 'cocktail' does not cause hair loss; the other one may but not in all people.
  • The port will be put in Tuesday and chemo will begin Friday. The schedule over the next three months will be three weeks on/one week off; blood work; repeat.
Another blessing yesterday came when we were told a group traveling from the United States to Israel prayed for him at the Pool of Siloam. Wow, God! That confirmed to me that Doc will be healed on this earth.

Another blessing came in the form of a Scripture given by a dear friend/pastor from Willard. We watched him grow from a young single man to a husband and father and have been blessed by him for years. Matthew 19:26 was given to him when he prayed for Doc. Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

Another blessing came in the mail with cards. One was from one a lady we don't even know but she is a friend of my Momma's.

Another blessing came through a deposit in our bank account from dear friends who were told to bless us. 

Another blessing came through an email from our friend down here who is visiting family in Ohio. As she shopped at Kohl's, she got into a conversation with the cashier about living in Beaufort. As they talked, Philly told Ms Carol they were praying for Doc to be healed. Wow, God! Another confirmation on how God is using people to bless us.

I am so thankful for like yesterday. I saw life again in my husband. I saw him not look defeated. I prayed yesterday morning over and over again for the Lord to give him some 'good news' because I felt like the enemy was winning and he just could not. I need Doc to fight C and win. I need people to see him fight it but most of all I need to see him fight it. Throughout the night he was either awake when I was awake or he was moaning in his sleep. These next few days before the port is put in are going to be miserable with him not being allowed to take his pain pills. He's so tired of being in pain and I pray for him to lean in closer to the Lord. Once again, I am thankful for II Timothy 1:7 that tells us God did not make us to be fearful but instead desires us to lean into His strength and empowerment. The only way to do that is to live a life of holiness, walking the road of obedience. During the night every time I woke I had these words from "Build My Life" going through my mind...

Holy there is no one like you
There is none besides you
Open up my eyes in wonder
Show me who you are and fill me
With your heart and lead me
In love to those around me.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for all the blessings of yesterday and all of the ones ahead in this day. Father, may You cleanse us so You can fill us. I pray for anyone who sees/hears me today will see/hear You through me. I pray for blessings upon the day as there is so much to do that has been pushed to the side with keeping up with doctor appointments. I need physical strength to get the cleaning done. I depended upon Doc to do so much of it but Lord, I need Your strength to do it. I also pray for clarity as I finish my sermon and pray Doc will get on his bicycle today and have strength to ride a little bit. I also pray against his pain. Father, give him wisdom on medication. Lord, continue to give the doctors wisdom. I am so encouraged on how they are working together. Someone said yesterday this was taking so long but it truly has happened very quickly. Thank You for all that has happened in the last three and a half weeks! Thank You for the plan to be in place for how to fight C but most of all thank You for the way You are going to be glorified through it being completely gone! Thank You Jesus for being Our Holy! Amen.

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