Thursday, May 2, 2019

II Timothy 2:11-13 - "No Matter What"

Last night was a night of praying. I cannot even remember how many times I was up praying. I receive disturbing news late in the evening that broke my heart. It is times such as this that I wish I didn't live so far from my family. But I know I must trust God in how things work out. I know He is in control but as a mother/grandmother it is just so hard. It was interesting how He gave me the words to the song "No Matter What" each time I woke. Specifically these words...

No matter what you've done
You can't erase His love
Nothing can change it
You're not separated
No matter what

This made me think about how He confirms His love for me in so many ways. Even when I walked away from Him, He loved me. When I turned my back on Him, He kept His hand of protection on me. As I pretended I did not need Him, He knew my needs and provided. These all showed confirmation of His love. Last night as I started to cry over the situation I was praying for my whole body went through something that is hard to describe. It was like it was completely...I'm not sure what to say. It was heavy...I felt like there was something that started at my head and went to my feet...I felt paralyzed...I couldn't move for a few minutes. I just laid there and prayed and God's peace came down over me in a mighty way. I have felt God before but this was more intense. I wondered if the person I was praying for was going through something tough at that moment and God took me deeper in my prayers. This morning as I think about it I think of people who say there is no purpose in prayer. That hurts my heart. Prayer is our line of communication with our Heavenly Father. One of the most importance aspects of pray is for us personally to be in communication with Him. It is a vital part of every believer's life. The more prayer, the deeper their relationship is with God. I was reminded in Bible study last night from the book of Jonah that God can change the plans He puts before us. He told Jonah that He was going to destroy Ninevah. After the people repented, He did not. Some will ask if God changes His mind. I am not sure of that answer because God knows everything. In Jonah's story it may not that He changed Him mind because He already knew they would repent. That is not something I have to know the answer to. But I do have to be in relationship with Him if I want to hear His voice and walk in obedience to what He says. Oh how I pray for more believers to get to this point in their spiritual life.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for being with me throughout the night and encouraging me! I am not sure what I experienced but it sure was special. I wish I could put it into words better. Father, cleanse me so You can fill me so I can be a beacon of light for You today through my words, actions, and attitude. Father, I continue to pray for the situation from last night. I pray for Your peace in all involved. I also ask for wisdom with Doc's pain. Lord, speak clearly to us. I pray for Your supernatural strength to be mine today. You know what is ahead and I pray You will go before me and empower me. Lord, I also pray for empowerment for those who have prodigal sons and daughters to have Your words, actions, and attitude not only with their children but with others who say or do things that are not of You. Thank You for Dave who is suffering with a back injury and doing better. Thank You for Dale's encouraging results! Thank You for Carol's sister going back to work! Thank You for Mom getting a quick appointment for her sleep study! Thank You for Mr Fran being up to having Bible study last night! I praise You for all the ways You work in and through my prayers! Thank You Father for being My Prayer Conqueror! Amen.

1 comment:

Aritha said...

Amen ( and I prayed for you)