Sunday, May 12, 2019

II Timothy 1:7 - "He Still Does (Miracles)"

These words to a song Hawk Nelson sings speak greatly to me this morning...

When you're at the end of the road
And it's not the one that you would have chosen
When you're at the end of your rope
And you're holding on, but feel like you're falling

The closer the time for the MRI comes, the more I don't know if I want to hear the results. I told Mike yesterday it is so much harder to go through this ourselves than to minister people through such times. I am so grateful it will be Monday instead of Friday. I know we are just one of a few going through such stuff. I also know God is with us. But the unknown brings so many questions. I have to continually repeat II Timothy 1:7 to keep going and keep praying for a miracle. Can God remove the mass? Absolutely! Can God give a complete, miraculous healing? Without a doubt! I just have to not give up or allow my faith to falter. Instead I need to be in His Word and allowing Him to empower me with His strength. I saw my Momma do it many times when my Daddy was going through health issues. I loved hearing Doc tell the psychologist how my Daddy was his example on how to be a good husband. My parents went through a lot of turmoil and heartache in the sixty plus years of marriage. It seems like we have been through a lot too. God will be our strength just as He was theirs. At 3:23AM God woke me to pray for Billie as she deals with pain. He woke me again at 5:23AM for the same prayer. She has relied on God's strength over these last few months in a mighty way and continues as she faces more surgery. May He be greater than her pain today. At 6:23AM He woke me to pray for ladies who will struggle throughout this day..

  • ones who did not have a good role model for a mother
  • those who were/are unable to conceive
  • ones whose mothers have left this earth
  • dear Mommas who only got to hold their baby for a brief time and those who buried their children
  • Mommas with prodigal children
  • those who are dealing with such bitterness no matter what their situation
  • those, like myself, who are away from their Momma and children
  • Mommas who are watching their children struggle with disease
  • those who have little communication with their children and/or will not hear from them today
  • Mommas who are awaiting the birth of their children
  • new Mommas who are scared they will do something 'wrong' and/or are exhausted
Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the reminder from this song today that You are still in the miracle making business. Lord, this is so hard. It was easier when I was facing C than it is with Doc facing it. Calm our spirits. Strengthen our faith. Father, cleanse us so You can fill us to overflowing with more of You. May You be greater than the fear that tries to overtake us. May You empower us with Your strength. Lord, I pray for all today as they go through this day of celebration of mothers. There are many who do not have good role models for their mother that question why. May they fill Your loving arms wrapped around them today. I pray for my Momma to feel loved today even though we can not be there with her. Lord, I also pray for strength for Doc as he tries to preach today. May You be so real to Him. Just as I prayed for Billie during the night, I ask that You be greater than her post-surgery pain. Thank You Father for being Our Miracle Maker! Amen.

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