Thursday, January 7, 2021

Romans 8:28-30 - "Image of God"

Since my recuperation from my fall there are many nights where I struggle with sleep. This is one of them. I am not sure how I will get through the day ahead but I know God is with me. He will provide wisdom, protection, and whatever I need to not just get through the day but for me to glorify Him in the process. He has the song Image of God by We Are Messengers going through my head. I was reading the story behind the song and thought how perfect this song is with what is happening in our country.

"These are challenging times where we need unity, hope, empathy and love," shares lead vocalist, Darren Mulligan. " 'Image Of God' is a song to unite us, reminding us that every single person is created wonderfully in God's image, and as such are invaluable and fully worthy of our time, respect, love and honor."

“We are not defined by the color of our skin, our occupation, or the social class we belong to. We are not defined by our political affiliation, the sum of our achievements, or the mistakes we have made,” We Are Messengers shared. “We are simply created in the wonderful image of God, and because of that, each of us no matter where we’re from, where we’ve been or what we’ve done are worthy of being loved."

This reinforces what I said yesterday. We need to not think of ourselves as democrats or republicans but instead as believers of Christ. We need to think before we speak so our words do not tear down others but instead build them up. God loves us with a powerful love. We need to follow His example and love others with the same love. The song begins with...

I woke up with a broken heart in my chest
I couldn’t sleep, couldn’t get no rest
Weighed down by the heaviness of life

How I wish the Lord would return now. Sooner than later. What we are living through is hard but I believe it is only going to get worse. People need to realize He will be coming back and we must be ready for His return. We will all be judged by Him and must be living right if we want to spend eternity with Him. If we are not living for Him, our eternity will be in the pit of hell. I do not want anyone to go to hell. That is why I continue to share His love. Coffman wrote of Romans 8:29:

God's plan for every man ever born was that he should love God and be conformed to the perfect image of God's Son, Jesus Christ. To such a glorious end, God "destined him," every man. If God had destined only a few people to receive such an inheritance, such an act of discrimination would have been unjust; and it may therefore be set aside as preposterous that God showed any such partiality. Once more, the master theme of this great epistle, God's righteousness, is in focus in the words here, where Paul's meaning is that even the Gentiles also were included in God's loving plans.

We all are made in God's image. The desire of His heart is for all of mankind to live for Him. Unfortunately, that is not the case for many people. The ways of the world are more important than God for many. It is more important for them to please themselves instead of God. It breaks my heart to see people who call themselves followers of Christ to live in the ways of the world instead of how He desires. As people tear down others instead of building them up, I am heart broken. That is not what God desires of us. He does not do such things. Therefore, we should not do them either. We are made in His image. We need to get better at being Christ-like instead of allowing the enemy to pull us down into his tactics.

Dear Jesus,

Thank You for this song that encourages me greatly to live for You! Thank You for the reminder that I am made in Your image! Lord, cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. May You be seen/heard in my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts throughout the day ahead. Father, I need Your supernatural strength if I am to function on just four hours of sleep. Lord, I pray I can go back to sleep but if that is not Your plan so be it. I pray for unity in our country. I pray for division to be gone and for people to get to the end of themselves. Father, may Your time of return come quickly. I know that is selfish of me to say but it is the way I feel. I am so tired of everything going on in our world. There is line in this song that goes, How could anything that feels so wrong be right? The division in our world is so wrong. Lord, forgive us. Thank You for being My Savior! Amen.

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