Friday, January 15, 2021

Philippians 4:13 - "You Hold It Altogether"

Twenty more days. That's how long it is until I might get out of this immobilizer. This not sleeping well is starting to get to me. I know God is keeping me going and keeping the MS at bay. I am so thankful for His strength through these days. When my physical body is down, it affects me mentally and emotionally. Thank goodness it does not affect me spiritually. Although, I guess I can say it does because it takes my faith deeper. We all have a choice when going through 'tough' days. We can choose to allow the enemy an open door into our life or we can choose to allow God to work in and through us. I am so thankful for the way God uses people to encourage me. I am thankful He continues to give me exactly what I need every day. I love the reminder He gave me this morning from almost five years ago when we were vacationing in Hilton Head. He clearly spoke to me saying, " can do this with My strength. I am here for you." Woo hoo, God! I was struggling with the idea of moving away from our family to come to South Carolina. I always loved our time here on vacation but could not comprehend living anywhere other than Ohio. When we came over to Beaufort and sat at the waterfront, God gave me such peace with the situation. Those were 'tough' days to get through emotionally. These days of late are tough not just physically with the broken arm but emotionally as I am alone. I was talking with someone that asked me, 'Why would God take you so far from family just to have Doc die and you be alone?' I do not know the answer but I do know He continues to encourage me through these days. He puts people before me to encourage me. Philippians 4:13 reads in The MessageWhatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am. Yes! Too many times people take Philippians 4:13 out of context. They think it means God is going to work everything out in the way they want as they live for Him. God is not our Santa Claus in the sky. He never promised our life to be easy. He did promise He would never leave us and I know for fact it is a promise He always keeps. 

Dear Jesus,

Thank You continuing to be with me through 'tough' days! Thank You for the promise You will never leave me! Thank You for being with so many who are going through 'tough' days! My prayer list continues to grow by the moment. I especially pray for Amy and her family with Logan being called out. Lord, may You protect him and all our troops through these turbulent days. Thank you for little Rosalie who was born yesterday! I pray for Alyssa who is having a procedure this morning and thank You for Donald's procedure going well yesterday. I also pray for a friend who needs 'clarity' with a job situation. May You guide her on the path she needs to take. Lord, cleanse me so You can fill me so I can shine brighter for You. I pray You will be seen/hears in my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts throughout the day ahead. I do not think I will leave the house again today but I pray You will put people before me who need to experience Your love. Thank You Jesus for being My Strength! Amen.

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