Friday, January 29, 2021

Jeremiah 17:7 - "Graves Into Gardens"

I just love how God knows what I need and provides! Yesterday was one of those days where I needed encouraged and He knew it and provided a lot of encouragement. He directed me as I brought the sermon together for Sunday with what He desires to be shared. I love to preach but I really love when He brings all of my research and thoughts together into what He desires. He put people in my path yesterday to encourage me. My neighbor Brad who cleaned out the gutters was one of them. Another one was my Momma who I talked to several times throughout the day. In my on-line Bible study group last night with Lysa Terkeurst I heard something that blessed me in abundance. I've always heard the saying, 'hurting people hurt people' but last night there was one that spoke volumes to me. 'Healing people heal people.' Woo hoo! We do not have to stay in our hurts of life nor do we have to hurt others because of them. When we allow God to heal us, He will use us to be instrumental in healing of others. I love this! I have always said my past experiences such as divorce, MS, breast cancer, etc. can be used to help others. Adding the loss of my husband into my past is also something I can use to share with others going through the pain. Even in the midst of the trials of my life God can use me. I was told yesterday that my 'great faith' shines brightly. It reminded me God does not want me to just have 'great faith' but He desires me to have 'greater faith'! Woo hoo! After the study last night, I had a long phone conversation with a friend from high school. It was so nice to talk with her and reminisce. God knew I needed that. I pray every day for God to cleanse me so He can fill me with more of Him. I pray for opportunities to share His love with people. Yesterday was one of those days where I didn't leave the house yet I know He used me to stand brightly for Him. I am so grateful for this life I live. I am grateful for people He puts in my path and ones who are willing to share His love with me when prompted. Robin shared how she was thinking of me while making supper and then saw we were on Lysa's study together. As she said, it was amazing she saw my name with over four thousand on the study. That was God ordained. He knew I needed someone to talk to and provided. I am thankful for her obedience to following through when He prompted her. There are times of loneliness on this journey. I am thankful for those who listen to Him and make contact. I need to talk and laugh. I need interaction with others. I'm a 'people' person who loves to be with others. Not having Doc or Mordecei with me is probably the hardest time I have gone through in my life. I will not allow the enemy any open door but will instead stand strong in knowing God is with me, He provides exactly what I need, and He loves me. Once again this morning I am reminded of Jeremiah 17:7. I know as long as I allow Him to turn Graves Into Gardens, He will provide exactly what I need and will bless me in abundance. I just need to be His willing servant.

'Cause the God of the mountain
Is the God of the valley
There's not a place
Your mercy and grace
Won't find me again

Oh, there's nothing better than You
There's nothing better than You
Lord, there's nothing
Nothing is better than You
(I know it's true)

Dear Jesus,

Thank You for loving me so greatly! Thank You for all the ways You showered me with Your love yesterday! Conversations with my Momma, Paul, Robin, and other friends; my neighbor Brad cleaning out the gutters; leading me to write what You desire to be preached Sunday; the study with Lysa; and so many other blessings You gave me. Father, I pray for a cleansing in my spirit so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. May You be greater than anything that comes my way today. May You love on me in a mighty way when my heart hurts. May You use me in the healing process of others. Father, thank You for: the encouraging appointment for Rick McCartney; Lee having a safe trip back to Ohio; being with my friend Chrissy who had a biopsy yesterday; being with Mike's family as they continue to have his Momma in the hospital; the SC Senate passing the Heartbeat Bill; and being with me today with what is on my schedule. Lord, I also pray for an unspoken request with someone who is near and dear to me. May You continue to give Your direction. Thank You Jesus for being My God of Both The Mountain and The Valley! Amen.

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