Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Psalm 102:27-28 - "Good, Good Father"

Last night was so much fun surprising my Momma with a visit for her 90th birthday. I knew she would cry when she opened the door and she did. It was priceless! Life has been hard for her from time to time but she continues to allow God to be her strength. I guess I get it naturally! He is my Strength! He was my mental, emotional, physical, financial, and most of all my spiritual strength yesterday in some mighty ways. I will never forget the way He worked to make this trip happen financially. When I checked tickets, the cheapest was $50 more than my normal. I decided I would pray about it before making my decision. Within the hour when I went to the mailbox there was a check for $50 from some friends. Woo hoo, God! When I talked to them, she told me God was very specific for them to send $50. To think God told them to send just that amount and for it to come the same day I was praying is so cool to think about! God is so, so good! He provided for me in a physical sense with the many people who assisted me with a wheelchair at the airport. He provided for me in an emotional sense by ones who dropped me off and picked me up at the airport. He provided for me in a mental sense by keeping me alert throughout the day. He provided for me in a spiritual sense by continuing to encourage me throughout the day. He is so, so good. When one of the flight attendants asked about my arm, I told her about my fall. She was from England and her Daddy is still there. He fell the day before and broke the same bone as myself. His care was totally different with their socialized medicine. He went to the hospital at 7am and did not have an X-ray until evening. He then was sent home with no cast, immobilizer, or medication with a list of three doctors to contact. One who would determine if he would have surgery. One who cast it if needed. One who would give prescription for pain medicine. She was so upset with him being in such pain. I am afraid that is where our country is headed. I believe the days of healthcare as we know it are over. We have complained about what we have but I believe what we have been complaining about is nothing compared to what the flight attendant described. I am so thankful for God who will always take care of us when we allow Him. I am thankful for God who loves and encourages me through 'tough' situations. He is such a good, good Father.

You're a Good, Good Father
It's who you are, it's who you are, it's who you are
And I'm loved by you
It's who I am, it's who I am, it's who I am

Yes! He loves me so much. Oh how I wish more people would allow Him to love on them. That is my daily prayer. We all need to realize His love on this earth so we can realize His love in heaven. A life filled with His presence 24/7 is a life worth living. The things of this world cannot satisfy like Him. I continue to live in the promise of Psalm 102:27-28 and am grateful for the knowledge of His love for me.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for safe travels yesterday! Thank You for all the ways You blessed me mentally, emotionally, financially, physically and most of all spiritually yesterday! Father, cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. Take my words, actions, thoughts, and attitude and use them to glorify You throughout the day ahead. I pray for the flight attendant's Daddy who broke his arm to feel Your loving arms wrapped around him. Thank You Jesus for being My Strength! Amen.

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