Monday, January 4, 2021

Psalm 79; Psalm 3 - "God Will Make A Way"

The Lord took me to Psalm 79 this morning to ponder upon. I read it in different versions and thought about different things from yesterday. Asaph was lamenting to God about the destruction of Jerusalem. In my sermon yesterday we were reminded from Psalm three how when faced with a tough situation we can follow David's ways of going to God.

·    Call out to the Lord. He’s the only one who can do anything anyway.

·    Then lay out your complaint before him. Give him details. Tell him what is so troubling to you. Approach him like a father who cares… because He is a father who cares! God wants us to bring our complaints to him. So, do it.

·    Don’t stop there. Next, you can express your unwavering confidence in the Lord.

·    Then offer your request to him. Isn’t the order of this Psalm interesting? You don’t just blurt out your request if you’re following the pattern of this Psalm. It actually takes you a while to get to asking anything if you’re following the pattern of Psalm 3. But do make your request! God actually wants to hear it and wants to answer it according to his will.

·     And lastly praise the Lord for who he is and what he does.

Psalm 79 shows Asaph praying for the spiritual needs of the nation. He begs God to take care of the enemies of the nation and praises Him in advance of doing so. This reminds me of the word expectation that God gave me for 2021. As I pray, I need to pray with expectation. I need to expect God to answer my prayers because He always answers them. They may not be answered in the manner I desire but they are always answered with what is best for me. I am going to add Psalm 79:13 to my list of verses to memorize.

So we, Your people and sheep of Your pasture,
Will give You thanks forever;
We will show forth Your praise to all generations. NKJV

Matthew Henry wrote: How glorious will the day be, when, triumphant over sin and sorrow, the church beholds the adversary disarmed for ever! while that church shall, from age to age, sing the praises of her great Shepherd and Bishop, her King and her God.

Woo hoo! We can and will be victorious as we stand in the Lord. He desires us to win the battles in this earth in His strength.I desire to continue fighting with the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. Oh, how I pray for more believers to be victorious in the battles put before them.

Dear Jesus,

Thank You for blessing me in abundance! Thank You for the eleven and a half hours sleep last night! Thank You for my walk on the beach yesterday at my happy place! Thank You for the sunshine this morning but most of all for the Son shining down on me! Thank You for the privilege to preach yesterday! Cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with You. May You ooze out of my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts today in a mighty way. I pray for all battling COVID to realize victory. I pray for comfort for families with members struggling with this virus. I also pray comfort for my dear friend Stevie whose Daddy went to be with Jesus yesterday. May You be greater than the hurts of this loss. I pray for some of my family who are going through painful times in their physical bodies to lean into You. Lord, You have been with me every step of this last seven weeks and I thank You for all the ways You took care of me. Now I'm down to these last twenty-nine hours and I'm asking for Your strength to come down over me. This immobilizer is driving me crazy. May You be greater than the discomfort. I pray against it being a distraction to me today. Thank You Jesus for being My Great Shepherd! Amen.

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