Saturday, October 27, 2018

Psalm 41 - "Good, Good Father"

I had a conversation this morning about the panhandlers around. I truly believe some people are truly in need but there are so many who are takers. There are times when it is hard to not jump to one conclusion or the other about them. There are also times I desire to give something to them but I stop myself and ask God first. He enables me to know when and what to do. Some of the people in need who 'beg' are not in their situation from their own decisions but rather just a tough time in life. When people allow others to give help them, it does not mean they are beggars. I can remember years ago being in need of assistance and my boys being embarrassed when I accepted it. I didn't want to embarrass them but at the same time I think/hoped they learned from the situation. I remember Ben going to help at the Free Store and coming home with groceries. He was so proud of himself for 'earning' them. He learned what it means to give of yourself to help others. Now he is an ordained pastor and works to help families in need. Paul would mow yards for people in need for no pay. He also would go to Grandma and Grandpa's and run the sweeper for no pay. They both were raised to be compassionate to others and it shows through in their adult life. For that I am grateful. There are too many people in this world who think only of themselves and miss so many opportunities the Lord puts before them to love on others. This morning the Lord took me to Psalm 41. This Psalm reminds us that when we won't have a life that is a bed of roses just because we are believers. One of the things this Psalm talks about is there is physical sickness and their is sickness in our soul. We need to pray more for spiritual sickness. Matthew Henry writes, "Sin is the sickness of the soul; pardoning mercy heals it, renewing grace heals it, and for this spiritual healing we should be more earnest than for bodily health." Sometimes when we see people 'down and out' we are tempted to give them financial assistance but we really need to ask God how we can help them spiritually. There are many with emotional/mental needs that may need helped before they can comprehend their spiritual needs. The most important thing we, as believers, need to remember is to ask God before giving any assistance to them. He will direct us on what and when to help people. Matthew Henry puts it this way:

When we can discern the Lord's favour in any mercy, personal or public, that doubles it. If the grace of God did not take constant care of us, we should not be upheld. But let us, while on earth, give heartfelt assent to those praises which the redeemed on earth and in heaven render to their God and Saviour.

I am so blessed in knowing no matter what comes before me, God is with me. He is always there to direct my path and give me His words to love on others. He blessed me years ago by taking me back into His loving arms when I had walked away. He continues to bless me now as I seek more of Him. He is a "Good, Good Father" and I am so grateful for His love.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the reminder of Your love for me. Thank You for the way You provided this week with friends. Thank You for the way You encourage me throughout the days that are tough. Lord, You are so awesome! I pray for a cleansing in my spirit today so You can fill me to overflowing. May all who see me, see You. May my words be Your words throughout this day. I pray for tomorrow as I preach to be all about You and not me. I pray for an abundance of You throughout these next couple of days. Thank You for being My Good Father! Amen.

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