Sunday, October 14, 2018

Philippians 4:4-7 - "Find You Here"

Before going to sleep last night I prayed for some pastors who are going through some trying days with their health or their spouse's health. I prayed for them to have clarity as they present their sermon today. I also prayed for the people in their congregation to love on them as they see their pastor love on others. I prayed for strength in physical bodies where theirs was gone but most of all for God's strength to be realized for them not only physically but most importantly spiritually. I prayed for people to be sensitive to the needs of their pastor and spouse not only for those who are going through tough days but for all pastors. I prayed for pastors with prodigal children to be loved by people in a way that would encourage them. As I began to fall asleep I told God I was so tired from the conference but if He desired me to continue praying for pastors to please wake me. After a couple hours of sleeping He woke me to pray for retired pastors. He shared that there are many who are struggling emotionally. They know nothing other than being a pastor. Now that they have 'retired' they struggle with knowing who they really are. He encouraged me to pray for those who have 'retired' from ministry to realize there is not a time of retirement from the call put upon their heart. They may have retired from a specific church but they have not retired from being a pastor. They need to find ways to minister outside of the church or in special occasions within a church. He also had me pray for retired pastor's spouses. They may have only known the life of pastor's spouse with no 'outside' employment. Therefore, they are struggling with their identity in the the world. He had me pray for them to be reminded they are His Child and they have worth. He had me pray for churches to remember retired pastors during October which is Pastor Appreciation Month. It is sad to think of how many churches don't show appreciation to their pastor only during this month when they should show it all year long. He had me pray for pastors whose church won't even recognize Pastor Appreciation Month. So many pastors and spouses are tore down emotionally which takes a toll on their physical, mental, and most of all spiritual bodies. He encouraged me to pray for pastors to be encouraged in someway today as they minister. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the way You use me to pray for pastors and their families on Saturday nights. Thank You for bringing situations, people groups, and sometime specific ones to pray for. Lord, I pray the prayers I lifted up for these ones will not only be heard but I pray they will be felt. May pastors, their spouses, their prodigals, and retired pastors and spouses know someone has prayed for them. I also pray for congregations to love on their pastors in the exact way their pastors, spouses, and families need to be loved on. Lord, continue to be with Billie and her family as they are on this road with breast cancer. I also pray for a pastor friend who is dealing with cancer herself. Lord, be the encouragement that is needed. Cleanse me so You can fill me so You can use me to encourage others. Thank You for the encouragement I received from both Lysa and Ellie. Thank You for the way You provided financially for me to attend this event. Thank You for loving on me through others. Thank You for Jennifer who allowed me cry in her arms as she prayed for me. I am so blessed and so grateful for all the blessings You give me. Thank You Jesus for being My Encourager. Amen.

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