Thursday, October 25, 2018

Job 1 - "Blessed Be Your Name"

I woke up during the night multiple times with the words to "Blessed Be Your Name" going through my mind. The Lord had me praying for the spiritual needs of people who are going through tough circumstances in their physical bodies. Yesterday I had the opportunity to share my testimony of what the Lord has done through my MS. He reminded me throughout the night that no matter what I am going through I need to always praise Him. In this song, it shows how we are to praise Him "when the darkness closes in"...when we "walk through the wilderness" good times and bad...when we are suffering and in pain...

Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your name
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your glorious name

There are times it is extremely hard to praise Him but we can never stop. There is always something good to find in every situation. Always. In the first chapter of Job we find him losing everything he had including all his family. Satan tried to tear him apart from God but he stood his ground. The last verse of this chapter reads: "In all this Job did not sin nor charge God with wrong." When we allow our circumstances to pull us away from God, the enemy is happy. We cannot allow this to happen. Instead we need to stand firm in our faith and trust the Lord through all. I pray for those who do not know how to trust Him to find the Way. I pray for those who know how but do not have a strong enough faith to go deeper in their faith so they will find His strength. My heart is breaking right now as I see so many falling to satan's ways.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for Your love, mercy, and grace. Thank You for deepening my faith. Thank You for the opportunity yesterday to share my testimony. Thank You for all the ways You lead me. Father, cleanse me so You can fill me. Give me Your wisdom for the day ahead. Bless me as I bless You. I pray today for another lady who is going down the road with possible breast cancer. Be with her as she goes through her mammogram today. I also pray against pain in my friend who had the hip surgery. My heart broke as she cried yesterday. Lord, use me to encourage these ones along with others who need to feel You. Thank You Jesus for being The One I Bless. Amen.

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