Monday, October 29, 2018

Matthew 13:31-32; 17:20 - "Oceans"

As I was preparing my sermon to preach yesterday I thought about people in my life who have great faith. People who are not afraid to step out in faith to see mountains move in their life and in others lives. I think of Brother Dan who drove from Indiana to Ohio on 'his way' to Texas so the Lord would perform a miracle of healing in my body. I also think of my husband Doc who took a step of faith to leave everything we knew in life when the Lord directed him to come to South Carolina. I'm sure there are many more people who have gone deeper in their faith as they followed God's will. I desire to go deeper as He works in and through me. I love how He opened my eyes up to the what He wants to do in our life through this sermon. He wants to see us grow. He desires to see 'mountains' be moved in our church life. His will is to have an explosion in our attendance. But first we all must go deeper in our faith. It sounds so easy yet it is not that simple. The enemy will try to stop us. We all must be prayed up so we will stand against his tactics. This is easier said than done but it is a doable thing. We all must be seeking more of the Lord so there is less of us. Once again, this is easier said than done. We must all believe He can and will move mountains if they are to be moved. He revealed to me our mountains will not be moved without us living out great faith. Oh how I pray for that to happen. I pray for the people who took a step of faith yesterday by coming forward to be empowered by His supernatural power today to take great steps of faith. I pray the enemy will be knocked down in their lives as they seek a greater faith. I pray great things to be accomplished by them today and the days ahead. Woo hoo! I truly believe there are greater days ahead for our church. I am excited to see mountains moved.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for Your love, mercy and grace that You lavish down on me. Thank You for encouraging me yesterday. When I finished praying and opened my eyes to see the majority of the congregation standing before me, I was blessed in abundance. Thank You for their obedience to Your call. Thank You for the way You will work in and through them just as You do in my life. Thank You for the revelation You gave me through this sermon. Father, cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing. Use me in a mighty way today. Thank You Jesus for being My Faith Builder! Amen.

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