Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Psalm 89 - "All The People Said Amen"

Instead of beginning with complaints and prayer requests Psalm 89 begins with praises. I like that! We need to follow this example in our prayer lives. We need to begin with praising the Lord for all the blessings of life. In fact, we really don't even need to speak our prayer requests because He already knows them. Our speaking them is more for us and not Him. This Psalm is so good in praising Him!

Verses 1-4 praise Him for His love. When we trust Him and put our faith in Him, He promises to be with us.

Verses 5-14 praise Him for the ways He cares for all and for His power. In The Message verse fourteen reads, "The Right and Justice are the roots of your rule; Love and Truth are its fruit." Yes! As we strive to be Christ-like this is how our lives will look too. We will be empowered by the Holy Spirit to not give into the enemy (vs 10). 

Verses 15-18 praise Him for the joy He puts in the heart of those who are in relationship with Him. Not only have these people accepted Him into their heart but they have taken the step of sanctification. They hear His voice and walk in obedience. There is nothing greater than living such a life. Fruit comes in abundance through living a life of obedience.

Verses 19-37 shows the covenant God made with David. This covenant shows the promise of His eternal love. It also shows the promise of grace when one does wrong.

Verses 38-52 shows not only the questioning and complaining of the writer to God but it also shows the writer giving God praise. The very last words of this Psalm are powerful. "Amen and Amen." The writer wanted all who read his words to realize the importance of praising God. One must praise Him for what He has done and for what He will do in the days ahead. Praising Him will bless Him.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the blessings of yesterday and the blessings ahead in this day. Thank You for the way You go before me, the way You guide me and the way You shine Your light for me to follow. Thank You for the way You fill me to overflowing with Your spirit so people see and hear You through me. Father, I want to walk in obedience today in a way I never have before. The desire of my heart is to fulfill the desires of Your heart. Lord, I do have many with physical needs I am praying for but I don't need to list them because You already know. I also have many with spiritual needs and those I raise up to You for a change in their lives. I pray for something to click in their minds today so they will realize walking in obedience is the best way of life. Thank You Jesus for being My Joymaker. Amen.

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