Monday, July 24, 2017

Psalm 88; Isaiah 59:1-2; Titus 3:5; II Timothy 1:9; Ephesians 2 - Joy

Psalm 88 is such a dark one to read. It is about one who is living in blatant sin yet they know God is their Answer. There are several things we can learn about the writer of this Psalm...

  • They need salvation and know it can be received through God (vs 1).
  • They have internal turmoil going on in their life (vs 3).
  • They were in bondage to their sin (vs 5).
  • They were feeling guilty of their lifestyle (vs 7).
  • They felt like God had left them (vs 14a).
  • They are miserable (vs 4; 6; 8; 15;16)

No one needs to live such a life. God is the answer. One cannot save themselves but they can be saved by the blood of Jesus Christ. Paul wrote many times about how one cannot save themselves. (Titus 3:5; II Timothy 1:9; Ephesians 2) Hope is found in Jesus Christ. The writer realized to some extent that God is the answer when they acknowledged God as "my salvation" (vs 1). Even though this writer was in the deepest pits of darkness they still called upon the Lord in their distress. A lot of times people have to 'hit bottom' before they will get to the end of themselves and ask the Lord into their heart. Many times believers have to have everything go wrong that could in order to get to the end of themselves and allow the Lord to sanctify them. One must always remember He is there for them. He never leaves us nor does He give up on us. Yes, sin is a part of life but we do not have to live in it. All we have to do is accept Him into our heart and then take the next step of allowing Him to purify us. Then we can walk in obedience to His will. I honestly cannot comprehend how people get through the tough times of life without the Lord. It is sad to think about how sin separates us from living a life of joy. His love is greater than anything. As we seek His love, we will receive an abundance of blessing. One of those blessings is peace that makes no sense. Another of those blessings is freedom that comes from a deep relationship with the Lord. I love a song Vashawn Mitchell sings called "Joy"...

There's beauty in my brokenness,
I've got true love instead of pain
There's freedom though you've captured me,
I've got joy instead of mourning

Yes! "joy instead of mourning" Woo hoo! That joy is found "down deep in my soul" as one walks in obedience. Sin separates but a relationship with the Lord brings joy!

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the joy You put into my heart. Thank You for the peace You give when it doesn't seem possible. Thank You for the ways You bless me. Father, I come to You this morning with repentance for anything that I may have done not of You or anything You put before me to do that I missed. Father, thank You for cleansing me with Your grace. I pray You will show through in my words, attitude and actions today in a way that will make people know it is You. Father, I also pray for those in this world who are struggling with blatant sin. I pray they will have someone go before them today to share You with them. I pray Your peace and joy will be found by them. I also pray for believers who are struggling with trying to be in control of their lives. I pray they will see Your peace and joy through surrender. This morning I pray for two dear friends who are waiting test results for cancer. I pray for them to be encompassed by Your strength in a mighty way today. I also pray for another one in her last days to feel Your strength. Lord, give these dear sisters Your joy in the midst of what they and their families are going through. Thank You Jesus for being My True Joy! Amen.

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