Saturday, July 15, 2017

Psalm 63 - "Step By Step"

The Lord has had the song "Step By Step" going through my mind over the last couple of days. "I will seek You in the morning...I will follow You all of my days..." How appropriate to read Psalm 63 this morning...

Woo hoo! This Psalm is full of good stuff! Verses one and two show David's desire for God. Verses three through six show his satisfaction in God and verses seven through eleven show his dependence on God. David knew God would keep him safe no matter what happened. David knew God was with Him. He knew....he knew. That is exactly what those who believe and walk in the path He leads them down do. They know. It is through walking by faith and trusting Him that we can know He is in control. The outcome of our situation will be exactly what He desires if we do not manipulate our circumstances. Sometimes there is a long time in the 'waiting room' of life but He is with us every step of the way. Sometimes we will not feel like praising Him yet that is exactly what we need to do. David lived a life of continual battles yet He looked to God for strength. The gift of living such a life will be given to those who wake up in Gloryland. No longer will there be battles but instead there will be worship. I like how Matthew Henry states we need to pray....

Blessed Lord, let our desire towards thee increase every hour; let our love be always upon thee; let all our enjoyment be in thee, and all our satisfaction from thee. Be thou all in all to us while we remain in the present wilderness state, and bring us home to the everlasting enjoyment of thee for ever.

Dear Jesus,
I pray this prayer for myself this morning. I pray for increase in my relationship with You. Lord, guide my steps so I stay close to You throughout this day. Be my words, actions and attitude so people will see and hear You through me. Father, keep my focus so I don't miss any opportunity You put before me. Thank You Jesus for being My Satisfaction. Amen.

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