Friday, July 7, 2017

Psalm 33:20-22 - "My Hope Is In You"

As I read Psalm 33 this morning I was in awe of the words 'hope' and 'waits.' It seems like these two words have been in my mind a lot recently. I am so thankful I have hope in Him. I also am thankful He gives me exactly what I need in the 'waiting rooms' of life. I do not have to worry about the 'what ifs' of life but instead can bask in the knowledge God is in control. As I stood and looked at the rainbow last night I thought about how God gave the rainbow as a sign to Noah as hope. Noah heard from the Lord and was obedient. When others thought he was crazy for building an ark, he did not stop but followed the Lord's direction. His obedience blessed him with his family being saved. In the Old Testament the Old Covenant was made at Mount Sinai with the children of Israel. It required them to be obedient to God's law. When they fulfilled this covenant, they would be blessed. The New Covenant is what we are under today. It is also about obedience but it is not in the physical sense but the spiritual sense. It is based on obedience of the heart. When one is obedient to fulfilling God's desires, they will be spiritually blessed. The ultimate blessings will be in spending eternity with God. In order to have such blessings one must repent to have their sins washed away. Many stop at that point but the ultimate step into living a life of holiness is where more blessings come from. When that step is taken, the Holy Spirit lives in and through them. They walk in obedience to God's Voice and are blessed in knowing they are living as He desires. Hope in Him is lived out in the 'waiting rooms' of life in a way that does not make sense to them or anyone else. Thankfully His way does not have to make sense but it does have to be lived out. I find myself in a new 'waiting room' that does not make sense. But that's OK because I know my Heavenly Father knows the outcome and is with me. Woo hoo! No fears of the unknown because our 'waiting room' has no unknowns to Him.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the cleansing power of Your love, mercy and grace that wipes away anything I did or said yesterday that was not what You desired. Thank You for the reminder of the promise of the rainbow last night. Thank You for our friends who we have enjoyed so much during their visit. I pray for safe travels for them as they head home. I also pray for a healing in his back. Father, give this dear family an abundance of blessings as they strive to live out Your will. It was so refreshing to see and hear their faith being lived out. They are such an encouragement to us and we are thankful You brought them into our life. Lord, I also pray for Lizzie and her family as they have Papa Pat's service today. Be their strength and wrap Your loving arms around them so they feel Your presence. I pray especially for Miss Bella during this time of her great loss. I praise You for the no cancer results in my friend's scope this morning. Lord, be my words, actions and attitude throughout the day ahead. Thank You for being My Rainbow Designer. Amen.

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