Sunday, June 25, 2017

Psalm 5 - "Forgiven"

As I went to bed last night I asked the Lord where He was going to take me in my Bible reading this morning since I finished the book of Psalm. He told me to start at the beginning. I thought it was strange but I figured I must have missed something He wanted me to get. As I began reading the first chapter I remembered He started me in the middle of the book not the beginning. That is why He told me to start at the beginning. As I was reading He stopped me at chapter 5, specifically verses eleven and twelve.

Woo hoo! Yes! When we trust in the Lord, nothing can takes us away from Him unless we allow it. His power is our power. We must be confident in our salvation. The Lord woke me up singing "Forgiven" this morning. These words touch me greatly...

I could've been six feet under 
I could've been lost forever 
Yeah I should be in that fire 
But now there's fire inside of me 
Here I am a dead man walking 
No grave gonna hold God's people 
All the weight of all our evil 
Lifted away forever free 
Who could believe, who could believe? 

Forgiven! Forgiven! 
You love me even when I don't deserve it 
Forgiven! I'm Forgiven! 
Jesus Your blood makes me innocent 
So I will say goodbye to every sin 
I am forgiven! 

Woo hoo! Yes! When Jesus died on the cross, it was for all of our sins. God loves us enough that He sent His son to this earth to die. Wow! He welcomes each of us into relationship with Him. There are great benefits to such relationship. We can rejoice no matter what is going on when we are in such relationship. Psalm 5 directs us to pray not only for ourselves to be in such relationship but to pray the same for others. We need to pray for His protection from the enemy for all. There is freedom in a relationship with God. He will not only be our Shield but He will surround us on every side. It takes great faith to walk with Him. There are times when our faith will falter but praise His Holy Name He never leaves us.  He never left David. In Psalm 5 David was in distress by the way his enemies were coming at him. David experienced many times like this but He called out to God for strength. Verses one through three show how David promised to pray with the knowledge God would hear his prayers. Verses four through six show how David praised God. Verse seven shows how David knew he must stay close to God. Verse eight shows he prayed for himself and verses nine and ten shows he prayed for his enemies. Verses eleven and twelve show how God gives us joy when we are in such a relationship. This morning I will follow David's example. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for coming to this earth to die for all of our sins. Thank You hearing my prayers whether they are spoken or just thought. I praise Your Holy Name for all You do to bless me. Lord, draw me closer into relationship with You in a new way. Use me this day to be a beacon of light to others. Be my words, actions and attitude throughout this day. My physical body is tired and hurting and I do not want that to be a distraction. I pray for a refined focus on You today. Lord, I also pray against the enemy who is trying to make me fearful about tomorrow. Knock him down in a great way today! Father, You are so good! Your love is so great! I am one blessed lady in knowing You wiped away my sins when I accepted You and continue to do so every day. Thank You for being My Savior. Amen.

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