Saturday, June 3, 2017

Psalm 118 - "I Will Rise"

I woke up today with the lyrics to "I Will Rise" going through my mind...

And I will rise when He calls my name
No more sorrow, no more pain
I will rise on eagles' wings
Before my God fall on my knees
And rise

Yes! There are some days I am so ready to be finished with the 'junk' of this earth to bask in a new life. I am grateful for the knowledge...

There's a peace I've come to know
Though my heart and flesh may fail
There's an anchor for my soul
I can say "It is well"

Praise His Holy Name! Living a life in His presence on this earth enables me to have His peace. In my humanness I get tired of the fight. Some days the fight is so much greater than I feel I can do but then He reminds me He is My Strength. I must trust Him. In Psalm 118 David speaks of going through tough times yet coming out victorious with God. A lesson to be learned in this Psalm is to look back with comfort in knowing God loves with an everlasting love. Another lesson is to look forward to eternal life praising Him for the promises in His Word. Nothing man does to us can be as great as what the Lord can do for us. He is capable of stopping anything that comes our way. Sometimes He chooses to allow things to stretch our faith. I think sometimes He wants to prove to us just how much He can do for and through us. We must always give Him the glory through the ways He works in our lives. Psalm 118:17-18 reads, "I didn’t die. I livedAnd now I’m telling the world what God did. God tested me, he pushed me hard, but he didn’t hand me over to Death." I must remember to give Him the glory through the trials of life. I also must remember He stretches my faith for a purpose and that purpose, whatever it is, needs to be fulfilled.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for our time yesterday of being together at 'my happy place' enjoying Your creation. Thank You for giving us the strength to do what You give us to do. Father, the enemy tries to put doubts in our minds but You are greater than him. He tries to tear us down with fear but You are greater than those fears. Lord, You know the needs and will provide. You have done it in the past and I know You will do it now. Father, I pray for Doc to have physical, mental, emotional and spiritual strength as he works delivering mail today. I pray You will give him a supernatural empowerment to get all of the mail cased and then delivered in a timely manner. Thank You in advance for giving him peace in the process instead of frustration and feelings of failure. Lord, You provided this job and I ask now for You to provide him strength to do it. May You be glorified at the end of his day. Father, be my words, actions and attitude throughout this day. May I grasp every opportunity You put before me and may You be glorified through me. Thank You Jesus for being My Anchor! Amen.

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