Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Psalm 138:8 - "Never Been A Moment"

The Lord woke me up singing "Never Been A Moment" and I was immediately blessed beyond comprehension....

There's never been a moment
I was not held inside your arms
And there's never been a day when
You were not who you say you are

Yours forever
It don't matter what I'm walking through
Cause no matter where I'm going
There's never been a moment
That I was not loved by you

Yes! He loves me no matter what. He loves me when I doubt. He loves me when I bless Him. He loves when I walk in obedience and when I falter. Plain and simple. He loves me. Woo hoo! We all have our own faith journey. Everyone's experience is different yet the Lord loves us all. He does not give up on us when we question Him but instead loves us through such times. There is nothing we can hide from Him. He not only knows our actions but He knows our thoughts. The cry of our heart should always be the words found in Psalm 138:8...

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the rest You provided last night. Father, I pray for Your touch to be on my body. I am so tired in my physical body but so grateful for the renewal in my spirit. Lord, be my words and actions today. Bless our time tonight with the children and teens. I pray they will see and hear You through us. I pray for breakthroughs in their spiritual lives. Lord, "There's never been a moment" You did not love me and for that I am so grateful. May I bless You in abundance today in my words, action and attitude. Thank You Jesus for being The One Who Loves Me No Matter What. Amen.

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