Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Philippians 4:13 - "Eye of the Storm"

The Lord woke me singing "Eye of the Storm" and immediately brought to mind some who are going through some mighty strong storms in life. I pray they will be in relationship with Him to be able to realize He is there for them. I also pray those who know Him will go deeper in their relationship instead of falling away. May His arms wrap around them in such a way they will feel His love. I pray for people to be Jesus to them in these storms. This morning I am praying these things for..

  • the family whose baby was born with no brain activity and only lived a few hours this weekend
  • the family whose baby was born with a congenital heart defect and undergoing testing
  • the new college student who is many miles from home in a brand new environment
  • the lady who recently had a stroke and is facing major surgery
  • the family of the one who lost their loved one at the age of fifty-six
  • the couple struggling with keeping their marriage together
  • the pastor who did not get a paycheck this week
  • the couple whose baby in the womb is experiencing some issues
  • the young lady awaiting the removal of her thyroid
  • the family watching their loved one whither away due to cancer
  • the father/husband who is out of work
  • the mother working to provide for her family with a little one who doesn't sleep
Each one of these situations are so sad but the ones involving people who do not know the Lord are even more sad. Those who are not in relationship with Him cannot begin to understand to grasp these words...

In the eye of the storm, You remain in control
And in the middle of the war, You guard my soul
You alone are the anchor, when my sails are torn
Your love surrounds me in the eye of the storm

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for reminding to pray for these ones this morning going through some major storms in life. Thank You for bringing them to my mind and prayers to encourage them. I pray they will lean upon Your strength as they go through this storm and will draw closer to You. Father, today is a new day and I so desire to do Your will. Would You please fill me to overflowing with Your goodness...Your joy...Your righteousness so people will see and hear You through me? Be my words...be my steps. Thank You Jesus for being My Anchor. Amen.

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