Saturday, September 24, 2016

I Peter 4:1-2 - "You Raise Me Up"

The first couple verses of I Peter 4 are words from Peter on how one is to live. Matthew Henry writes about these verses: "Man is not a sincere creature, but partial, blind, and wicked, till he be renewed and sanctifies by the regenerating grace of God." Peter explains one is to be dead to sin both negatively and positively. Henry writes, "Negatively, a Christian ought no longer to live the rest of his time in the flesh, to the sinful lusts and corrupt desires of carnal wicked men; but, positively, he ought to conform himself to the revealed will of the holy God." Woo hoo! Dead to sin and living in His will gives such freedom! No longer is one worried over every decision of life but instead walks in knowing the Lord is in control. When the troublesome times come in life, there is a peace unknown to the common man. As disappointments come in life, there is acceptance in knowing it is all in His plan.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for yesterday and the time You gave Doc and I to celebrate our life together! Thank You for today and all of the opportunities You will give me to be You to others! Thank You for tomorrow when we will gather together as a body of believers to worship You! Father, fill me to overflowing so people will see and hear You through my words, my actions and my attitude. I pray healing for all my family members who are going through physical issues. Most of all I pray for those who have spiritual needs to find You in a personal way. Thank You for being My Completeness! Amen.

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