Saturday, April 9, 2016

Psalm 51:7 - "You Are Good"

As I was out shoveling the snow this morning I thought of the words of Psalm 51:7...

Yes! That is the desire of my be 'whiter than snow'! What does that mean? It means every day I will go before the Lord and ask for forgiveness for anything I have done or said that is not of Him. That is the only way to be 'whiter than snow'! As you look at snow that is untouched, there is not only a cleanness to it but also a sparkle. I have never considered myself to be one that is 'sparkly' but the more I think about it the more I like the idea of being sparkly for the Lord! Something that is sparkly gives off light. I want to give off the light of Jesus! I want to be a beacon of light in this dismal world for Him. He is the Light of the World and if I am living with Him in me, then I should also be the Light of the World. Woo hoo!

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the beauty of Your creation with this snow today. Forgive me for complaining about having snow. Being outside in the crispness of the air was invigorating and I am so grateful for the physical energy to be able to do what I did. Lord, You are so good! Would You bless me in abundance today with more of You oozing out of me? Would You show me Your path for me today? Would You be my words, actions and attitude? Thank You for being My Light of the World! Amen.

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