Sunday, April 24, 2016

John 7:38 - "Thrive"

Being in ministry has many ups and downs and Sundays can be full of so many different emotions...

You are excited as you anticipate gathering together with your church family...
You are happy when you hear people testify of the Lord's blessing on their life...
You are sad when you see people refuse what the Lord has for them...
You are joyful when the Lord speaks to you...
You are hopeful as you await the Holy Spirit's presence to take over the service...
You are encouraged in knowing the Lord has prepared you to experience Him in a whole new way.

Today's service was so awesome! I knew when Doc told me this morning that the Lord was changing the sermon but he didn't know to what it was going to be good! Starting the service with testimonies was so encouraging! 

  • Hearing of a physical healing from numbness in arms that has been a part of one's life for the last several years was so cool! 
  • Having a wife tell that her and her husband who have been separated for eight weeks are reconciled was so exciting!
  • Hearing of God's perfect timing in my own life last week that enabled me to be with my Momma on the anniversary date of my Daddy's death was so cool!
  • Hearing of one who is struggling with spiritual warfare and having the opportunity to pray for him was a blessing!
  • Having the testimony of a physical healing in one of the boys who had an injury this week was awesome!
  • Hearing from one who has been put down over and over by their boss but is listening to the Lord was so cool!
The Lord wants to bless everyone! He also wants to have people surrender to Him and allow Him full control of every aspect of their life. During Praise and Worship the Lord told me there was one in the room who needed salvation. At the end of the service one accepted the Lord! I go back to the words of the Lord's Prayer that we pray..."on earth as it is in heaven"...YES! The Lord wants us to live in victory on this earth so we can live in victory with Him in heaven. I desire to live out John 7:38 each and every day of my life. The desire of my heart is for Him to flow in and through me.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for all of the blessings of this day! Thank You for the testimonies that many shared today! Thank You for Doc's obedience in what You wanted us to hear today! Thank You for giving me a heart for more of You! Lord, fill me to overflowing with You so all who see or hear me will see You! Thank You Jesus for being My Living Water! Amen.

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