Thursday, April 21, 2016

Nehemiah 8:10b - "In The Presence of Jehovah"

Waking up to these words gave me a sense of excitement and contentment...

In the presence of Jehovah
God Almighty Prince of Peace
Troubles vanish hearts are mended
In the presence of the King

Yes! Living in His presence is the best place to live. Getting through an emotional day  as yesterday with such peace is explainable only as the Holy Spirit. He guided me through the day with giving me good memories to bask on. He directed me to love on people instead of feeling sorry for myself. He encouraged me with Scripture. Most of all He allowed me to feel His presence the entire day. I know some do not understand what I mean when I say I live in His presence but I sure wish I could voice it in words that made sense. It took me a long time to get to this point but I am so grateful for full surrender to Him that enables me to live with Him 24/7. Surrender is the key. When I fully surrender, I no longer live for Him but I live with Him. Once again, that is probably not the verbiage others would understand but the state of contentment I live in is the best. Speaking words of life instead of death is my way of life. Encouraging others instead of discouraging is my goal each and every day. Living with Him as my Guide is my way of life. I choose joy instead of all of the other negative emotions that people choose!

As I look at this flower I see a pretty little thing but others would see a thistle with some dead leaves. When others see all the negative aspects of life, I try to find the positives. When others choose to be crabby, I choose to be joyful. It is when I allow the world to take over instead of basking in His presence that my attitude becomes as others instead of the joyful being the Lord has called me to be. It does not mean everything in life is peachy-keen because it isn't. It just means that I have surrendered every aspect of my life to Him and He is in control. That is where my joy and my peace come from....actually it's not mine but His joy and His peace that lives in and through me. Woo hoo!

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the reminder of the words to this song this morning. You are my strength! Woo hoo! Lord, You are my Joy...You are my Peace...You are my Everything! Father, thank You for Your presence being so great in my life yesterday. Thank You for the way You gave me the physical and emotional strength to accomplish all You set before me. Thank You for loving me so greatly. Thank You for being so very real to me. Lord, today is a new day and I pray for more of You as I start this day. I pray You will be so overwhelmingly real to me. Father, give me Your words and Your actions in all that I do. Thank You Jesus for being My Strength! Amen.

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