Thursday, April 28, 2016

Psalm 46:6-11 - "Freedom Of The Sea"

This morning the Lord took me to Psalm 46 and had me concentrate on verses six through eleven. It reminded me of a conversation I had yesterday about the time for Jesus to return is so close. Many, even those who believe and follow the Lord, are in denial. "People have been saying that for years" is a common phrase to hear. The signs are showing it is close and I fear for many who are not following Him. This Psalm encourages us to trust in Him. He is the All Powerful God. He knows all and sees all. He is Our Hope through all that life throws our way. The desire of His heart is not only for people to believe but for people to surrender everything to Him. It is in surrender that we will not fear the time of Jesus' return. It is in surrender that one can have His peace. It is in surrender that as He leads one will follow, no matter what that looks like. I like the words of Matthew Henry on these verses:

Let those be troubled at the troubling of the waters, who build their confidence on a floating foundation; but let not those be alarmed who are led to the Rock, and there find firm footing. Here is joy to the church, even in sorrowful times. The river alludes to the graces and consolations of the Holy Spirit, which flow through every part of the church, and through God's sacred ordinances, gladdening the heart of every believer. It is promised that the church shall not be moved. If God be in our hearts, by his word dwelling richly in us, we shall be established, we shall be helped; let us trust and not be afraid.

The words to "Freedom Of The Sea" flow through my mind...

I know it's safe here on the shore
But freedom is worth dying for
Liberation comes to those
Who hear the truth and sail with you
I'll go where you are calling me
I'll be what you meant me to be
I know the risk is real, but I wanna feel
The freedom of the sea

Yes! There is freedom in surrender. Sometimes one has to remind themselves of what it takes to live in such freedom. Trust is key as we sail in life in a life of surrender. When He is our anchor, there is nothing we cannot do in and through Him. Woo hoo!

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the reminders of my time in Your Word this morning! Thank You for the hope You give me as I trust You! Thank You for the knowledge that You are My Anchor and in that I have Your strength to do whatever You put before me! Woo hoo! You are so good, Lord! Father, today is a new day and I pray at the end of this day I can reflect back and know I have done what You have desired of me. Fill me to overflowing with more of You. I pray people will see and hear You through me today. Thank You Jesus for being My Anchor! Amen.

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