Friday, April 1, 2016

Philippians 4:13 - "Open Up The Heavens"

April...when I say that word a whole lot of different emotions are attached to it. April 20th in particular has a whole lot of different emotions. That is the day in 1994 I was diagnosed with MS. That is the day in 2013 my earthly Daddy went to be with my heavenly Daddy. Yes, April is full of 'those days' that can make or break a person. I remember in 1994 when I was in bed, going through testing, not able to function 'normally' for four months that the Lord gave me Philippians 4:13. Then I remember in 2013 when I received the call from my Momma that my Daddy had taken his last breathe. I was distraught over how to be there and here at the same time. I had just brought Doc home the night before from his second knee replacement and he needed me. Oh my, the emotions were all over the place that day. Then I heard from my Heavenly Daddy once again, " can do this with My strength. I am here for you." Yes, I survived those tough days with His strength enabling me to do  what I needed to do. Now here it is April once again. I know whatever is ahead I have His strength. Wherever He leads me, I will go. Whatever He asks of me, I will do. Why? Because I am totally surrendered to Him. People who do not know Him cannot understand my way of life. People in relationship with Him sometimes can comprehend why I live as I do. People who are totally surrendered to Him get it. They understand completely why I have peace in times of suffering. They understand completely why I say 'yes' when in worldly terms it doesn't make sense. This morning I woke up blessed as I was singing...

Show us, show us Your glory
Show us, show us Your power
Show us, show us Your glory, Lord

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for being My Strength. Thank You for being My Empowerment. Thank You for accepting me back when I fell away. Thank You for blessing me in abundance through my obedience. Lord, whatever April holds I will stay strong in You. Wherever April leads through You I will go. Father, I pray for more of You in me so that people will see and hear You instead of me. I pray for an abundance of You in me. Empower me to be what You so desire of me. Thank You Jesus for being My Everything. Amen.

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