Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Psalm 51:10-15 - "At The Cross"

The Lord directed me to Psalm 51 this morning and led me to read it in The Message. I don't normally read that version but this is pretty cool to read! 
  • "Soak me...scrub me..." Yes! I love the word picture I get from these words. When you put clothes in the washer and let them soak, it enables the detergent a chance to work on them. That is how it is with God. When we allow Him to be soaked into us through prayer, reading the Scripture, listening to teaching, etc., He has a greater chance on working in and through us. 
  • "...Genesis week..." Yes! Everyone needs a new beginning from time to time. A clean slate so to speak. 
  • "...put a fresh wind in my sails!" Yes! Newness is a blessing. Sometimes life just seems to become so repetitive and we feel like we are on a merry-go-round. But when He gives us newness in our spirit that brings a different perspective on life.

In this Psalm King David was asking God to change him. He was asking Him to not just change his moral nature but also his mental nature. Sometimes we tend to go to the Lord asking Him to change us but we are not ready for such change. We desire to hang onto some things that make us feel comfortable or we desire to hold onto the feeling of being in control. When we completely surrender to what He has in store for us, we will have a 'Genesis' moment. It will be then that He will "put a fresh wind in my sails!" Once we give Him our all two things will occur. One will be, He will be enabled to work in and through us in a new way. The second is that we will have His peace in the midst of the storms of life.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for taking me to this Scripture this morning. Thank You for loving me enough to give me fresh insight into it. Lord, today is a new day. It is Your day. I pray for a complete infilling of Your Spirit into me so people will see and hear You in and through me. Fill me to my words and my actions and at the end of the day may I look back and see how You were glorified through me. Father, today I am praying for some friends going through storms. I pray they will find Your peace. Thank You Jesus for being My Peace. Amen.

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