Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Ephesians 3:12 - "Everything Comes Alive"

The lyrics to "Everything Comes Alive" are going over and over in my head this morning. I guess the Lord might think I am feeling 'dead' or needing a push to get moving! He took me back to Ephesians 3 this morning and stopped me at verse twelve...

"...with freedom and confidence..." I love the word picture Paul gives in his writing to the Church of Ephesus. There is nothing that can stop us from approaching God. There is no problem we have that He doesn't already know about. There is nothing that will surprise Him because He knows our thoughts. So with that knowledge why do people still hold back approaching Him...especially those who are in relationship with Him? Many are being told lies from the enemy. They are told they don't need God or He isn't the answer to their problem. Those are blatant lies. We all need God. He is the One who knows exactly what we need even before we know ourselves. He is our Advocate who listens to us and then we in turn listen to Him. When we live a life depending on Him on this earth, we will spend eternity with Him when we leave this earth.

And when my days are done
I've got a Hope that I'm sure of

I'll be with You in heavenly places
My heart is beating to the rhythm of Your love
My feet are running ever faster to
Your grace
I'll be with you in Heavenly places

Everything comes alive

Yes! I want to be alive for Him on this earth! The desire of my heart is to do His will. I am surrendered fully to Him and live a blessed life. That does not mean I don't have problems but it does mean there is nothing I can't handle with His strength that lives in and through me. I have confidence in Him. He will lead me down the path He so desires and I will follow. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. He is My Everything. There is freedom in living a surrendered life for Him and oh how I pray more people will experience that freedom!

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the reminder today from this song that even when this physical body gets tired I need to be alive for You. I pray against distractions today that will keep me from seeing opportunities to be You to others. I pray for more of You to ooze out of me so people will hear and see You through me. Lord, I am tired but I sense You have something great in store for today and for that I am praying Your strength. Give me an abundance of energy to do Your will. Bless me abundance of supernatural strength...Your strength. Woo hoo! Thank You Jesus for being The One To Make Me Alive. Amen.

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