Friday, August 12, 2022

Psalm 145:1-3; II Timothy 1:7 - "Always"

God's creation speaks mightily to me. He blesses me in abundance through the sun rise, sunsets, and everything in between. Yesterday was a perfect example of this. Getting out to see the sun rise was a great gift from Him. As I was walking up the stairs of the tower I praised Him for the ability to do what I was doing. There have been many times over the last twenty-eight years MS has stopped me from functioning normally. I am grateful for each and every day He gives me mobility. Some times it is hard to fathom how quickly it can be taken away. I never know when I will wake up with the inability to walk, have use of my arms, etc. But God continues to be faithful in being my Healer. Yesterday as I was driving home in the rain and wind I praised Him for the ability to drive. There have been times when that was taken away with vision issues. I was reminded of a song Chris Tomlin sings called "Always"..

I will tell of Your wonders
Sing of Your grace
The God of creation knows me by name
The Lord is faithful yesterday, now, and always

Yes! He is faithful and I desire to be faithful to Him. I desire to allow Him to speak to me in whatever way He desires. Walking in obedience to Him is the best place to be. I didn't think there would be a sunset last night with all the rain but I caught the tail end of it as I crossed the bridge. There was a glimmer of light showing through the clouds. God gave me twilight last night to remind me of His faithfulness. He knows I receive great blessings from His creation. He also reminded me that just as His creation can change quickly life can change just as quickly. We never know what tomorrow holds but we are assured He knows and that is all that matters. The way He uses the sun, moon, and stars to bring light into our world is the same as the way He uses Himself to do so. There are many days/nights I do not get to see the sun rise or set yet it does. God is faithful to bring each and every day into existence. That is such a blessing to me. He also blesses me through Scripture such as Psalm 145 that reminds me to praise Him. He reminded me of II Timothy 1:7 this morning as I thought about the letter I received in the mail to schedule a mammogram. It doesn't matter how hard I try to not be fearful of the results fear seems to creep in. I was reminded by a friend this morning 'time shouldn't be wasted on fear.' The enemy tries to put fear on me but my God is greater than the enemy and I need to remember that.

Dear Jesus, Thank You for the blessings of yesterday and the ones ahead today! Thank You for loving me so greatly and giving me another day of life! Cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. May You ooze out of my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts. I am one blessed lady to have You be Who You are in my life. Thank You for going before me and giving me insight into what I should and should not do! I pray Your peace over many going through difficult days. My Momma; my sisters Linda, Sally, and Mary; my brother Richard; Ben and Colleen; Pete and Delores; Steve; Cait; Beth; Mike; Norma Hall; Sharon Sebolt and her parents; some young ladies with anxiety; a young man out of rehab who needs strength in his daily walk; Rhonda; Mary Lilley; a husband/father separated from his wife; Brooklyn; Kristen Batten; Amber; families in turmoil; Gay and Doug; Rick; Cyndi; Serenna and her husband; and many others. I also pray healing prayers over many who are dealing with 'c' and/or going through treatments...Sharon's daughter Ashley; Chrissy's cousins; Shirley Jones; Preacher Bill Watts; Cait's friend with leukemia; my pastor friend with daily chemo; my friend with mesothelioma; Little Ivy; Little Judson; Alex's niece as they await biopsy results; a young girl in our community; a lady whose breast cancer has returned; and a lady diagnosed with stage two breast cancer. I pray for: the Long Family, Vickie and her son Jim, and Russ. Thank You for continued strength for Baby Henry and for Alex's brother who was in a car accident! Thank You for being My Always! Amen.

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