Monday, June 14, 2021

Psalm 91 - "Still"


The Lord took me to Psalm 91 this morning to ponder upon. He is so good at protecting us from the evil one. Sometimes He puts things in our lives that our inconveniences but in the big picture if they protect us, we need to embrace them. There are times when we scratch our head and ask ourselves 'why?' things happen. We must remember God is in control no matter what and He will direct our lives in the best manner as we allow Him. I was thinking about senseless deaths. In reality, God may have allowed a death to happen to protect that person from something in the future. Traffic that puts us behind schedule could be protecting us from being in an accident. We just never know the big picture. We must trust God because He knows everything. We must allow Him to work in and through us because He knows everything. We must not allow the enemy an open door into our life but instead remember God knows everything. Plain and simple. A life lived with God who knows everything will be a life of contentment. It will be a life of peace in the midst of the storms of life. His peace is the best thing ever to bask in. We can only find true peace when we rest in Him. The words to "Still" are on my mind this morning...

Hide me now
Under Your wing
Cover me
Within Your mighty hand

When the oceans rise and thunders roar
I will soar with you above the storm
Father, You are King over the flood
I will be still know You are God

Yes! Be still! That is how we can experience more of God. As we are still in His presence, we will realize Him in a deeper way. We will be able to hear Him and have the desire in our heart to walk in obedience to His will. I need to be still more so I can hear Him better and realize His will for my life more every day. My heart's desire is to make Him so proud of every aspect of my life.

Dear Jesus, Thank You for the way You worked through all of the 'opportunities' yesterday where I could have fallen apart! Thank You for Your peace in the midst of the chaos! Thank You for a good time with friends over lunch! I love sitting in the midst of people and listening to the conversations, watching the interaction, etc. Thank You for Nancy, Jack and Paula, and Nestor's who had lunch with Rickey and I! Thank You for our time at the waterfront with ice cream with Cait, Alex, and the kids! Thank You for cleansing me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You! May You ooze out of my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts today in a mighty way. Lord, there are so many hurting people. May You be greater than the hurts in their lives. My Momma; my sisters Linda, Sally, and Mary; Little Ivy and her family; Kenny and Terri; Joyce; Melanie; and so many others. Thank You Jesus for being My Protector! Amen

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