Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Psalm 23 - "Oceans"

Last night I received a phone call asking if it was OK to share my number with someone with a loved one in Beaufort who is dying. Of course, my answer was 'yes' and I waited on the call. After talking with the lady I asked if I could pray with her. Not only did she agree to me praying with her but she prayed for me after I was finished. God is so, so good to provide what we need. He brought two sisters in Christ together last night that have never met but have Him in common. As we talked, I listened to her burden for a loved one who has never accepted the Lord in his ninety plus years of life. Now here he is facing his last days on earth. I told her I would do my best to talk with him and started praying right away I would be allowed in to see him. I also thought about my loved ones I pray for daily who have not accepted the Lord. I continue to pray for someone to be in their path who will say something to make a difference in their spiritual life. I shared with Rickey last night about how when we go through 'tough' days it sure is easier with God in our life. It doesn't take the 'bad' away but it gives us a fresh look on how to dig deeper in our faith and trust God. He mentioned how when we accept the Lord into our lives it is a win-win situation. I was awake throughout the night thinking about many who have never accepted Christ into their life, some who have accepted Him yet fallen away in their faith, and about those who need take the step beyond salvation to be sold out to Him. We all need to go deeper in our faith. We cannot accept Him into our life and stop. We must grow our faith. The words to "Oceans" are going through my mind this morning...

Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever You would call me
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger
In the presence of my Saviour

Yes! This is how I desire to live my life! I desire to go wherever He leads and do whatever He desires. I want my faith to grow every day. A lot of times that means going through 'tough' times so the opportunity for my faith to be stretched will be realized. That is OK. 'Whatever it takes' is not always the easiest words to say but they will bring me closer to eternity with Christ. I am reminded of the comfort found in Psalm 23. He is always with me as He guides me through life on this earth. As I spend life on this earth in His will, I will spend life with Him for eternity. My prayers are for all to live with Him for eternity. I know I need to get better at sharing Him with others so more people can live with Him in their lives.

Dear Jesus, Thank You for the opportunities You gave me yesterday to love with Your love and for the opportunities ahead in this day! Thank You for my conversation last night with Rickey who encourages me so much and always seem to have the right words to comfort me! Thank You for a great board meeting! May You continue to be the head of our little church and give direction with decisions being made. May You be greater than any obstacle that comes our way. I pray for the work that will be completed as we continue to get the building readied for Sunday. Lord, do not let anything blind us to doing Your work. I pray for an open door to visit this man in his last days. I also pray for those going through 'tough' days to receive Your peace in abundance. My Momma; my sisters Linda, Sally, and Mary; Ben and Colleen; Pastor Mike with knee replacement today; Melanie; four friends with career decisions/issues; Carrie and Chris; Mike; Jack and Paula; the Risner Family; my high school friend Jack; Susie and her family; Carolynn and her family; Chrissy and her family; Kenny and Terri; and so many others. Lord, be greater than the hurts of life. Thank You Jesus for being My Shepherd! Amen.

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