Saturday, June 12, 2021

Psalm 37 - "Good, Good Father"

God woke me thinking of the Scripture in Psalms 37 about when we 'delight' in Him He will give us the desires of our heart. Yesterday was a day when He gave me so much of what my heart desires. The carpet repair at the church was finally accomplished, Rickey and I enjoyed time in Savannah with a picnic at Forsyth Park and a walk by the river, Alex worked at the church on the parking lot...the day was full of blessings. I am one blessed lady! As we walked around Savannah we saw many homeless people that broke my heart. We never know their story and what brought them to where they are today. We cannot judge. We never know when we may find ourselves in the same position. As I fell asleep last night I thought about the different ways of life we witnessed yesterday. We saw families, couples, and singles. As we sat and people watched I wondered about everyone's story. Where they are in life. The hurt that could be seen on many faces broke my heart. The emptiness on faces brought tears to my eyes. I was especially moved by adult children with their aging parents. Some of the parents had a 'blank' look which means they probably are dealing with a disease that has taken away their 'normal' life. No matter where people are in life they all have one thing in common. Jesus loves them. We need to get better at showing His love. We need to get better at letting people realize His love through us. Last night when I asked our waitress how we could pray for her she immediately got a big smile on her face, laid down her pad, and grabbed our hands. I know she felt Jesus' love through us. That is the goal of my life every day. No matter what happens in my day I want people to realize Him through me. The more I trust God and allow Him to direct my steps, the more He will fulfill this desire in me. What a "Good, Good Father" He is!

You're a Good, Good Father
It's who you are, it's who you are, it's who you are
And I'm loved by you
It's who I am, it's who I am, it's who I am

Dear Jesus.
Thank You for yesterday and for all the blessings You gave me! Thank You for the carpet repair being done, Alex working on the parking lot, and my time with Rickey in Savannah! Thank You for all the people who saw Your love through me! Thank You for cleansing me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You! Thank You for being my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts! Thank You for Your Word and this song! Father, I continue to pray for many who are going through 'tough' days to feel Your presence. May You be greater than the hurts of life for: my Momma; my sisters Linda, Sally, and Mary; Mary Lilley; Gay and Doug; Jack and Paula; Melanie; Kaye; Little Ivy and her family; Carrie; Beth; and so many others. Thank You Jesus for being My Good, Good Father! Amen.

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