Sunday, June 13, 2021

Psalm 119:57-64 - "Good God Almighty"

The Lord directed me to Psalm 119 again this morning. He has me pondering upon verses fifty seven through sixty four. These verses show how David did not take for granted who God was in his life. I strive to do the same. I desire to glorify God through my words, actions, thoughts, and attitude. As I do, I know I will draw closer to Him. The more I express my thanks to Him and praise Him, the more I will think of others instead of myself. Matthew Henry wrote: 

There is no situation on earth in which a believer has not cause to be thankful. Let us feel ashamed that others are more willing to keep from sleep to spend the time in sinful pleasures, than we are to praise God. 

The word picture Henry gives about people spending more time in sinful pleasures than me praising God is one I will think about. It is one I will strive to prove wrong in my life. Henry continues, And we should be more earnest in prayer, that our hearts may be filled with his mercy, grace, and peace. This statement is one I live by every day. I love my prayer life. I love communicating with God throughout the day and into the night. Last night I prayed for pastors before going to bed, twice throughout the night, and again this morning. Before becoming a pastor I prayed for them regularly. After becoming a pastor I realized the need for extra prayers for them. During the night God had me pray for people to realize that need and to pray for their pastor. I pray for more people to take on this role in their life. I love verse sixty-four in The Passion Translation. Give me more revelation of Your ways, for I see Your love and tender care everywhere. The more we live walking in obedience to God's will, the more we will experience what He has for us. The more we pray, the more we will realize Him. The more we praise Him, the less we will see our problems. We all need to get better at living for Him. No one lives a perfect life but we sure do need to strive to live more like Him. 

Dear Jesus, Thank You for the opportunities to love with Your love You presented to me yesterday and the ones ahead in this day! Thank You for the fun day with Rickey as we went to garage sales, Dempsey Farm, and shopped in Charleston! Thank You for the safe travels through the storm! Thank You for the opportunity to pray for pastors throughout the night! Lord, may more prayer warriors rise up to pray for their pastor. I am so thankful for everyone who prays for me. Cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. May You flow from my words, actions, thoughts, and attitude today in a mighty way. May what You desire to be said from the pulpit flow from all pastors. Lord, be with those who need to feel You more in the 'tough' times they are going through. My Momma; my sisters Linda, Sally, and Mary; Chrissy and her family; Sharon Martin; Jack and Paula; my high school friend Jack as he continues the battle with cancer; Pete and Delores; Gay and Doug; Beth; Little Ivy and her family; Ron Ross; Sharon Sebolt; Carrie and her family; and many others. Thank You for Will and Sandy making it home safely and for John and Carol's safe trip! Thank You for being who You are in my life! Thank You for being The One I Praise! Amen.

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