Monday, June 10, 2019

II Timothy 1:7 - "Well Done"

I have been so tired the last few days. The MS fatigue has settled in. I also have had some MS tingling in the toes on my right foot and on my nose. I have been praying for it not to show it's ugly head during the stress of Doc's diagnosis. I was happy and mad at myself when I realized last night I had missed taking my pills for two days. Hopefully, that was why I had been experiencing these things. When I realized it, I thought about how important it is to  also have a daily dose of Jesus each morning so He is a part of every moment of the day. If I do not start my day with Him, I feel off balanced the rest of the day. Life just doesn't seem right if I am not in His Word and praying in the morning. This time with Him encourages me throughout the day. It inspires me to be more like Him and love on people with His love. He enriches my life in such a mighty way. I am so grateful for the relationship I have with Him. I honestly do not understand how people get through life without such a relationship. I do not know how they get through 'tough' days without His strength. There are some people I am praying for right now who do depend upon His strength. I am grateful for that. There are also some I am praying for that continue to try to do life on their own. They either do not think they need God or they are too stubborn to admit it. Some were raised in a Christian home yet have rebelled against it. Some never had the privilege of such an upbringing. I pray for all to accept Him into their heart and then to take the next step in allowing Him full control of their life. Doc and I would be a mess if we didn't live such a life. This last month would have been horrible if we didn't have the Hope of Christ. I am so grateful to have a husband who loves the Lord as he does. I continue to pray for so many whose spouse does not. I can't imagine going through life with my spouse not believing in God or not depending on His strength. I can't imagine making decisions without God's wisdom. It would be terrible. Once again, I am thankful for my husband and his relationship with Christ.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the blessings of yesterday and the ones ahead in this day. Thank You for giving Doc the strength to preach yesterday. Thank You for him being able to eat lunch without issues. Father, I continue to pray for a healing in his body. I pray against the pain he experiences when he eats and against more weight loss. I pray today we will receive an appointment time to start the chemo. I also pray for him to have strength for his meeting this morning with the contractor and board meeting tonight. Lord, be his wisdom and strength. Father, may You continue to remind us that You did not make us to be afraid but instead You empower us to love with Your love and walk in obedience to Your will. Cleanse us so You can fill us to overflowing with Your love. May You be our words, actions, and attitude throughout this day. Lord, continue to be with many who have spouses who are not in relationship with You. Continue to be their strength but most of all continue to empower them to live for You so their spouses see You in them. Thank You Jesus for being Our Blesser! Amen.

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