Saturday, June 22, 2019

II Timothy 1:7; Proverbs 1:7, 9:10 - "Lion & The Lamb"

We do not have to fear anything when we live in God's presence. Not even cancer. In Psalm 91:5-6 it reads in The Message:

Fear nothing—not wild wolves in the night,
    not flying arrows in the day,
Not disease that prowls through the darkness,
    not disaster that erupts at high noon.

Woo hoo! All we have to fear is the Lord. That type of fear is not one of anguish but one of respect to Him. The Hebrew word yare means "to fear, to respect, to reverence" and the Hebrew word yirah shows fearing God as a positive quality. In Proverbs 1:7 and 9:10, it shows how a person who fears God receives wisdom and knowledge. In my reading this morning there was a statement from Nelson's NKJV Study Bible that read:

One resource includes this helpful summary: “The fear of God is an attitude of respect, a response of reverence and wonder. It is the only appropriate response to our Creator and Redeemer” (Nelson’s NKJV Study Bible, 1997, note on Psalm 128:1).

This week when the boys and I were doing activities about nature our memory verse spoke of fearing God as Creator. I told them we worship God through learning about His creation. Mr. Eli said he never thought about it but that would mean we worship God when we don't litter. I love the things they think about and then verbalize. This morning I was thinking about when we do not fear things such as cancer, finances, etc. we are worshipping God. We are placing our reverence in Him when we do not fear things. An important thing I gained from this morning's pondering was that we receive His wisdom when we fear Him. I need that right now on a few important decisions. I will have "a good mind" (II Timothy 1:7) as I walk in obedience to His will. Woo hoo!

Dear Jesus, 
Thank You for the knowledge that I receive Your wisdom as I sit in Your arms. Thank You for the blessings of yesterday and the ones ahead in this day. Thank You for the time of rest yesterday evening and better sleep last night. Thank You for breakfast at the table with Doc. Thank You for giving him strength for yesterday and for today. Thank You for cleansing me so You can fill me so people will see/hear You instead of me. Father, go before me and be a beacon of light through me. Thank You Father for being My Wisdom! Amen.

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