Tuesday, June 18, 2019

II Timothy 1:7 - "Our God"

Yesterday after Ben told me about blowing out a tire I told him the enemy was working overtime but I taught him to not allow the enemy to win. When I told my Momma last night about going to Urgent Care after stepping on an old nail, she asked me if I remembered what I told Ben. I told her I had and I refused to allow the enemy to win. The pain in my foot is nothing compared to the pain Doc is/has experienced but it is pain. The enemy will try to distract me through it. He will try to bring me down emotionally because of it. But he won't win. My God is greater than the pain in my foot. My God is greater than home inspections. My God is greater than the effects of chemo. My God is greater than pancreatic cancer. Plain and simple, my God is greater! Woo hoo! Jesus turned water into wine, healed the blind man, etc. while on this earth. He can do the same today through us. All we have to do is allow Him to work in and through us. We have to allow Him to work through doctors and medications. Not only do we have to allow Him to do such things but most importantly we must believe He will! I know He will heal Doc while he is on this earth. I would prefer it to be sooner than later but I will continue to believe it will happen in His time. He continues to bless us in so many ways. We need to keep those blessings in the forefront of our minds. When we do, it will enable us to stay focused on Him. Last night when the lady at Urgent Care said the cost was $10 for my co-pay, my response was praise God! I had never gone to Urgent Care so I had no clue on what my insurance would pay. When I awoke this morning with no pain in my arm from the shot, I said praise God! I am praying it continues to be that way. When I went to get Doc's diabetes medicine and they told me it was $0 going through his insurance instead of the $15 through the discount program, I said praise God! Even though $15 is not a large amount, it all adds up. When Doc called and told me about a check we received in the mail from friends, I said praise God!  When there was four instead of two of us to finish up a project at the building, I said praise God! Our time there was cut in half. When I saw the stage almost completed at the building, I said praise God! When Ben blew a tire and didn't get hurt, I said praise God! There are always blessings to be seen. Some days it is harder to see them but they are there. It is an encouragement to my soul to praise Him. When the lady with only one leg asked me how my day was going yesterday, I responded in my humanness. I asked God to forgive me afterwards with not responding to her with His love. I am praying for another opportunity to do so. She needs to feel His love in a mighty way. Today, I am standing firmly on II Timothy 1:7. I do not know what the day holds but I know God gave me a spirit of power and love. He gave me the ability to make decisions based on His desires. He also gave me a spirit where I will not be afraid, especially of the enemy's tactics! 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the blessings of yesterday and the ones ahead in this day. Thank You for continuing to heal Doc. Thank You for all the ways You blessed us yesterday. Thank You for protecting Ben yesterday. Thank You for the baby girl born to Kaitlen and Michael. Thank You for the way You will heal my foot without any complications. Lord, cleanse me so You can fill me. I pray for another opportunity with the lady with one leg. I pray for opportunities throughout this day to be You to all I meet. Father, be with our dear friend Patti. May she feel our prayers wrapped around her. I also pray for the Walker family, the Reeser Family, and Cornelius Floyd who caused the accident. I pray for open doors for people to bring you before each one of them. I also pray for open doors for my friend Sharon with her house needs. Go before us today and enable us to see You in all we do. Thank You Jesus for being Our Blessing! Amen.

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