Wednesday, June 19, 2019

II Timothy 1:7; Psalm 99 - "Press On"

This is the second morning in a row the Lord has woke me to pray at 4:44. He specifically had me praying for a situation in my family. He had me pray for there to be peace when peace does not seem possible. This morning God told me to read Psalm 99. I read it in different versions to grasp it the best I could. Life can be so frustrating when trying to contact people with no success. Asking questions and not getting answers or getting conflicting answers can also be frustrating. In this Psalm, we read how great men of the past such as Moses, Aaron, and Samuel cried out to God and received an answer. It is comforting to know when we cry out to God, He will answer. Sometimes He does not answer in the way we would most desire but He answers. Prior to the cancer diagnosis Doc had his colonoscopy and an issue with his wrist which resulted in multiple bills. When you have insurance, the hospital assistance will not help unless you meet certain criteria. I talked with them and it appeared like we would qualify so I went through the application process which takes quite a while to complete. When we received the letter of denial, I was surprised but knew God would take care of it. Now I am in the process of praying for wisdom  on how to proceed. Last night when I got on-line to look at the status with the insurance I was pleasantly surprised with seeing he has met his out-of-pocket for the year so everything is covered 100% from this point forwarded. Praise God! Psalm 99 shows us how we need to cry out to God and stand upon His word in all we do. When we live in this manner, we can stand in the knowledge He will answer our prayers. We will see prayers turned into miracles. We will see the impossible become possible. We will see God exalted in all we do. Matthew Henry spoke of the people of Israel as:

They in every thing made God's word and law their rule, knowing that they could not else expect that their prayers should be answered. They all wonderfully prevailed with God in prayer; miracles were wrought at their request. They pleaded for the people, and obtained answers of peace. 

"Answers of peace..." Woo hoo! That is exactly what I desire. They will come through God's will for my life. I need to praise Him no matter what His answers are. Henry continues...

Let us not only exalt the Lord with our lips, but give him the throne in our heart; and while we worship him upon his mercy-seat, let us never forget that he is holy.

Yes! I will praise Him! I will worship Him! I will strive to be holy as He is holy! I will accept His answers with a heart of acceptance! I will allow Him to work in and through me in a way that seems impossible to man! I will walk the road of obedience to what He calls me to do! As I live in this manner, He will take me deeper in my faith! I love verse nine in The Passion TranslationKeep exalting the Lord our God facedown before his glory-throne, for he is great and holy! "facedown"...yes...woo hoo...thank You Father! When we lay "facedown" before Him, everything else will be blocked from our vision and we will be enabled to stay focused on Him! Woo hoo!

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the blessings of yesterday and the ones ahead in this day! Thank You for the time I had with the children/teens last night! My tank was filled by them! Thank You for Doc's chemo being this morning. I still do not understand the changes that occurred but You know and that is all that matters. I pray You will be with him physically, mentally, emotionally, and most of all spiritually today and the days ahead. I pray for a strengthening in every aspect of his being. I pray You will cleanse us so You can fill us so we can be a beacon of light at the infusion center today. Ooze out of us so people will see/hear You instead of us. Lord, You know what we need and I pray for a healing in every aspect of our being. Thank You for giving me Psalm 99 this morning that reminded me to stay facedown before You so I can stay focused on You. Thank You for being My Focus. Amen.

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