Saturday, June 8, 2019

II Timothy 1:7 - "God Only Knows"

When I asked the Lord yesterday morning 'why?', I never thought a big 'why?' would come into our day. We could not believe when the doctor said the medicine had not ordered for Doc to start the chemo. It was hard to stop and think God was in control or He knew this would happen. 'Why' would God set us up for this disappointment? It just does not make sense. Doc had such a tough night before with thinking about starting it. Now here we were back to square one with having to wait a few days to begin. Actually, we do not even know when it will begin. They 'think' Tuesday but God only knows. This roller coaster ride is no fun. The pot holes in the road on this journey are getting bigger. We must hang onto God. We must not lose faith. We must dig in deeper in our relationship with Him. Oh my, these days are hard. It kind of reminds me of being told at surgery they didn't think there was cancer when they did my breast biopsy only to get the call two days later with the words no one ever wants to hear. "I'm so sorry Mrs. Burrows but cancer was found in what was sent away." Urgh! But just as yesterday was no surprise to God, my breast cancer was no surprise to Him. But once again, 'why?' I could drive myself crazy trying to figure that one out but there is no need to. The lyrics to "God Only Knows" are going through my mind this morning as I pray for God to give us strength...

God only knows what you've been through
God only knows what they say about you
God only knows that it's killing you
But there's a kind of love that God only knows

His love will be the only thing to get us through. Our hope in Him is the only thing that can keep us going. We cannot give up, no matter hard these days are. Doc cannot give up, no matter how strong the pain is. God is stronger. His love will get us through. We just have to lean more into Him and allow Him to wrap His arms around us to strengthen us. We just have to go deeper in our faith. Sometimes these words are easier said than done. I know there are a lot of people going through tough times right now. During the night twice when God woke me to pray Doc was in such pain and my prayers focused on him. One other time God woke me to pray he was sleeping and I was so grateful. My prayers turned to others to pray for...

  • Jim and his family as they continue to mourn the loss of Sandie.
  • Mike as he lives with an alcoholic wife. A friend and her teen daughter who are seeing her ex going through severe physical issues due to years of alcoholism.
  • A friend and her husband who have been heavy in my prayers for the last two days.
  • A pastor friend who continues to battle cancer.
  • Two families who are being torn apart by the enemy.
  • An engaged couple struggling in their relationship.
  • Ellen as she awaits scan results.
  • One who has unknown stomach pain.
  • Ed with his Momma in ICU.
  • A family with a loved one with a newly found spot on his lung.
  • A wife in ICU with a brain bleed.
  • A new Daddy of twins whose wife died right after giving birth.
  • Two of our boys and their families who are transitioning in life.
  • Val as she recuperates from knee surgery.
  • My Momma with her health issues.
  • Melinda and her husband.
Some of the ones I prayed for have physical issues. Some have emotional issues while others have deep spiritual issues. I prayed for all to draw to the Lord to receive His strength. I prayed for them to have godly people to pour Jesus into their lives. I am grateful for His love that has been showed to us through cards, messages, calls, gift cards/money, hugs, meals, books, etc. It is so easy to give of ourselves when others are going through rough times. It is hard for Doc to accept such things. I think because there were so many instances of my family receiving help when I was growing up it is easier for me. I remember one time when my Daddy had no more sick days and many of the teachers donated some of theirs so our family would not go without a paycheck. There were times when groceries would be left on the front porch without us knowing where they came from. I will never forget the time when my Momma was in a big brace after having cervical surgery and a dining room chair broke with her. Some men from church took my Daddy to an expensive furniture store and purchased a sturdy dining room table and chairs. That would have been forty-four years ago and my Momma still has that same dining room table and chairs. God blessed us then and will continue to bless us now. He works through people to encourage us. He works through us to encourage others. When the Holy Spirit prompts us to do something, we need to do it. Not only will we bless someone but we will be blessed too. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for getting us through the disappointment of yesterday! Thank You for the reminder that Your love covers all of the disappointments life brings! Thank You for being Our Strength to begin this new day! Thank You for giving me peace with the knowledge that You know what will happen in the days ahead! Father, I continue to pray for a complete miraculous healing in Doc's body. I pray You will keep him close during these days of unknown. Lord, cleanse us so You can fill us. May You ooze out of our words, actions, and attitude throughout this day. May people see You shine brightly through us. Father, I pray again for the ones I prayed for during the night. Jim, Ellen, Mike, my Momma, Melinda, Val, Ed, and many others. May they feel Your strength today. Lord, today is Saturday which means many will decide today if they are going to church tomorrow. Would You put people before them that will make them make the decision to go to church? Would You give them the desire in their heart to not only be there but to walk in obedience to what they hear? Father, bless pastors who will finish their sermons today. Thank You Jesus for being Our Strength! Amen.

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