Wednesday, June 12, 2019

II Timothy 1:7 - "How Deep The Father's Love For Us"

The words to "How Deep The Father's Love For Us" were going through my mind all day yesterday. God loves us so greatly. He does not pick and choose who He will love but He loves everyone. He loves us so much that He gave His only son to die for our sins. I know He is hard to comprehend for some. His love is hard to accept for some. But He desires we all accept His love so He can ooze out of us. There are some people you can see, hear and feel His love through. They are beaming with His joy because of His love. Yesterday morning as I went on three errands, I struck out at all three. I prayed for God to give me more of Him so my humanness would not show through in the way of curtness. I asked Him to give me His words. As I left each of these three places, I felt defeated. I cried out to Him to help me and cried with tears with frustration. As I drove away from the last place, He reminded me He does not cause frustration nor does He give disappointments. He was with me through each of these three situations and would continue to be with me. He brought to my mind that these disappointments were not a surprise to Him. I needed to walk in His will and pray for His will. When I did this, I would not be disappointed because His will would be my desire. Once again, the tears began. Within minutes, one of the disappointments turned into joy with the call that Doc's chemo was set-up for this morning. Maybe the reason it had not been taken care of on Monday was because I needed to learn this lesson. Or maybe the reason was God needed for people to see Him through me as I made phone calls and even went into the doctor's office to make contact with them. Or maybe the reason was it just wasn't His timing. I don't know the reason but I know who gave me joy in resolving it. Once again, the words to "How Deep The Father's Love For Us" comes to my mind...

I will not boast in anything
No gifts, no power, no wisdom
But I will boast in Jesus Christ
His death and resurrection

Jesus is the One who receives all glory. He is the One who I need to be filled with so people will see/hear instead of me. He is the One I need to allow to take my faith deeper. He is the One I love so dearly. Oh how I pray for more people to come into relationship with Him. I pray for more people to take their faith deeper and live a life of obedient surrender to Him. I am so grateful for the way He never gives up on me but instead carries me through tough situations. I am so grateful for the peace He gives in the middle of the storms of life. I also am grateful He allows tears to be a healing balm in my spirit and for the gift of my husband who does not get upset when my tears fall.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You once again for Your love! Thank You for giving me a spirit of love and empowerment! Thank You for cleansing me so You can fill me! Thank You for way You gave joy in the midst of trying times yesterday! Thank You for Doc's appointment this morning! May You bathe him with Your strength and may there not be sickness involved. Thank You for him being able to eat a little more yesterday without too much pain. Thank You for the way You continue to use people to encourage us. The prayer shawl that his cousin Jerry sent to him yesterday was another way of encouragement for us. What a blessing to watch Family Camp via the internet last night. As we sang along in Praise and Worship, I was blessed to hear Doc sing. Dr. Gunter blessed me in abundance with her message. Thank You Jesus! Father, I pray Ellen will feel Your loving arms today as she gets the results of her scan. I pray for favor for her with these results. I pray against pain for Mr. Fran with his dental work and for Mike as he has the skin cancer removed. Lord, I pray for more people to come into relationship with You so they will know Your peace in the midst of the storms of life. Thank You Jesus for being My Joy! Amen.

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