Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Hebrews 13:8 - "Same God"

God woke me with the words to the "Same God" on my heart. I am so thankful God is the same no matter what. He does not change even when I change. He never turns away from me no matter what. What a blessing He is in my life! These words speak volumes to me...

You're a God of grace and empathy
You know how it feels to cry
'Cause You lived a human life
You're not afraid of anything
Even darkness is a light
There's no reason I should hide

All my doubts, all my questions
In every fear I have about what might happen

You're the same God
You're with me in the middle of it all, God
You're catching every tear as it falls
I know You'll never change
Even when I'm feeling far away
You love me the same, God

I love the explanation of this song...

“Same God” has a clear message. “This song, that came out of a Zoom call, is a cry from a heart that is broken, a person who doesn’t have it all together, a Christian who still has doubts and fears,” said Kerr. “But most importantly, this song is about God, who loves us and reminds us of the truth when we need it the most. He’s the same God, and He loves us no matter what!”

Praise His Holy Name for the knowledge we have of His love by reading His Word, living in His presence, and allowing Him to live in us. I had two occasions yesterday to talk about my life and both times I said I was living the good life. As I think about that statement I realize the 'good life' is lived when God is in the middle of it. I could be living in South Carolina in the beautiful weather and be OK but it is because of allowing Him to be everything in my life that makes it so good. Yes I miss family and friends but God gets me through the hurting times. He puts people around me to love on me. He gives me people in my life who support me. I also know of many all over the country who pray for me. I am not living a life that cannot be lived by everyone. All it takes is giving oneself completely to God and watching what He will do in your life. I am excited for the days ahead to see where He will take me, what He will do in my life, who He will bring into my life, and most of all how He will be glorified in my life.

Dear Jesus, Thank You for the reminder from this song and Scripture that You are the "Same God" every day of my life! Thank You for all of the blessings of yesterday and the ones ahead today! Thank You for my visits with Debbie, Val, Debbie, Cathy, Sank, and Melanie! Thank You for Rollie who came when the car wouldn't start and for my zoom call with Tony, Brent, and Gary last night! Thank You for warmer weather today! Cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with Yourself. May people see/hear You through me. I pray for peace in many going through difficult days. My Momma; my sisters Linda, Sally, and Mary; my brother Richard; Ben and Colleen; Pete and Delores; Steve; Cait; Mike; Norma Hall; Little Jensen who needs a heart; Sharon Sebolt and her Momma Shirley; Serena and her husband; some young ladies with anxiety; a man in rehab for anger issues; a young man out of rehab who needs strength in his daily walk; a husband/father separated from his wife; Pastor Sam; Mary Lilley; Preacher Bill Watts; Brooklyn; Kristen Batten; Timmy; Amber; families in turmoil; and many others. I also pray healing prayers over many who are dealing with 'c' and/or going through treatments... Doug and Gay; Patty's daughter Tracy; Sharon's daughter Ashley and niece Amy; Chrissy's cousins; Debbie's husband Kelly; Cait's friend with leukemia; my pastor friend with daily chemo; Patti Perkins; Tammie; Betty's friend in New York; Clay's friend; my friend diagnosed with mesothelioma; Dorothy's grandson; Little Ivy; and my friend who has upcoming radiation treatments. I pray for: Jonathan whose mother was diagnosed with a brain tumor, the Long Family, Baby Henry, and Christina and her family. I pray for all our military and their families to lean into Your strength. I pray for Larry Amstutz to have open doors as he seeks new employment. Lord, continue to be with Anna, Michael, Matt, and myself with 'tough' days without my Rickey with us. Once again last night as I made dinner I thought of the times I made the same meal for him when we were together. There are so many memories to reflect upon and for that I am grateful. Thank You for being My Same God Yesterday, Today, and Forever! Amen.

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