Saturday, September 18, 2021

Psalm 39 - "My Jesus"

Death is all around me. It seems like every time I turn around I hear of another one. I had one tell me yesterday they are tired of going to funerals. Holding a crying friend last night as she grieved the death of her mother broke my heart. She has the assurance of where her mother is but it still hurts to have her leave this earth. There is comfort in death when you know your loved one is at peace yet it is still hard. Sometimes death on this earth is long and drawn out and you wonder why. Sometimes it happens quickly and you wonder why. No matter how or when it happens there are always questions. God knows we hurt and and He knows we have questions. He knows our hearts and is ready to soothe them. He soothes through His Word, music, people, situations that arise, etc. He is a good Father who is ready to give us exactly what we need, when we need it. He gives us insight in how to live on this earth so we can live with Him for eternity. We must be ready to leave at all time because we never know when our time will be. Matthew Henry wrote:

In our greatest health and prosperity, every man is altogether vanity, he cannot live long; he may die soon. This is an undoubted truth, but we are very unwilling to believe it. Therefore let us pray that God would enlighten our minds by his Holy Spirit, and fill our hearts with his grace, that we may be ready for death every day and hour.

We must be ready at all time. Our time on this earth is short. It will not last forever. Therefore, we must do our best to live as He desires. We must be in relationship with Him where we not only hear His voice but walk in obedience to it. Then, and only then, will we live for eternity with Him. Oh how I pray for more people to come into such a relationship. The only way people will know Him is for believers to share Him. If we truly want others to come into relationship with Him, we have to share Him. We must be bold in our witness. It is not just up to pastors to share Him but for all to do so. I love the words to a song Anne Wilson sings called "My Jesus"...

He makes a way where there ain't no way
Rises up from an empty grave
Ain't no sinner that He can't save
Let me tell you 'bout my Jesus
His love is strong and His grace is free
And the good news is I know that He
Can do for you what He's done for me
Let me tell you 'bout my Jesus
And let my Jesus change your life

Dear Jesus, Thank You for the safe travels You provided Cait and I to go see Carrie, Chris, and the boys last night! Thank You for being with them today with the funeral! May they feel Your peace and comfort. I continue to pray for so many with recent deaths. Mike, Donna, Vicki, and many more. Thank You for being with Monica who had oral surgery and Rhonda's granddaughter who had another procedure yesterday! I pray for those going through 'tough' days to feel Your peace. My Momma, my sisters Linda, Sally, and Mary; Dan; Ben and Colleen; Scott; Tony and Madeline; many with COVID; Gay and Doug; Ms Savon; Little Ivy's family; Ed who is dealing with stage 4 cancer; a couple with serious relationship issues and a family in turmoil; a young man in rehab for anger issues and another young man for addiction; Norma; Sharon Sebolt; and so many others. I pray protection over one in a difficult situation in their work place and another one with a family situation. Lord, be greater than the hurts of life. No matter how many hurts we experience in life You are there for us. Praise Your Holy Name! Cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. I pray for many opportunities to love with Your love during the Food Distribution today. May Your strength continue in my physical, mental, emotional, and most of all spiritual being throughout the day ahead. I pray blessings over Rickey and his day. Thank You for bringing him into my life! Last night you knew I needed laughter and provided. Thank You for the way You use him to love me with Your love! Thank You Jesus for being My Yesterdays, Today, and Tomorrows! Amen.

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