Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Psalm 4 - "Goodness of God"

The Lord woke me at 4AM and told me to read Psalm 4. I will admit I kind of argued a bit. I asked Him if I could wait until morning because I had only been asleep for four hours. Usually He is ok with that but not this morning. He had me read it in different translations and then put people in my mind to pray for. Thankfully, I went back to sleep for three more hours but I was grateful for this time He put before me. This Psalm is about trusting God. Before we lay our head down to sleep we need to make sure we have a clean heart before the Lord. Matthew Henry wrote of this Psalm:

Be still. when you have asked conscience a question, be serious, be silent, wait for an answer. Open not the mouth to excuse sin. All confidence must be pan answer. Open not the mouth to excuse sin. All confidence only: therefore, after commanding the sacrifices of righteousness, the psalmist says, Put your trust in the Lord.

Communication with God is not just us speaking but it needs to also include us being silent before Him as we wait to hear His voice. Communication must be a two-way street so we can realize the desire of His heart for us. We also must be in relationship with Him to the point we not only hear His voice but we walk in obedience to it. Before going to bed the Lord impressed upon me to pray for those who have lost loved ones and are struggling. When He woke me at 4AM, He once again brought several to my mind who are struggling with loneliness, anger, fear, etc. Matthew Henry wrote of people who seek God's will: He commits all his affairs to God, and is prepared to welcome his holy will. God's will is not always what we desire for life. But when we look at the big picture and realize His will is always what is perfect for us then we will accept His will. We will find ways to accept the life God puts before us. I am so thankful for this time of restoration in my life. I would never have chosen to be a widow at the age of fifty-nine but I am so thankful for the strength God has given me in the process. I would never have imagined to be where I am today but I know God is in control and continues to guide me. Many years ago when God directed me to pursue being a preacher I argued there was no need because Doc was the preacher in our family. When God continued to impress this upon me, I gave in and figured He must be going to use me to preach in other ways than a local church. Fast forward to today and I am realizing His plan for my life. I am thankful for my walk of obedience to something that made no sense at all at the time. I also am thankful for all the ways He loves me and continues to encourage me. I am reminded this morning of the song Goodness of God...

I love Your voice
You have led me through the fire
And in darkest night You are close like no other
I've known You as a Father
I've known You as a Friend
And I have lived in the goodness of God, yeah

And all my life You have been faithful, ohh
And all my life You have been so, so good
With every breath that I am able
Oh, I will sing of the goodness of God, yeah

Dear Jesus, Thank You for impressing upon me to pray before going to bed and again at 4AM for those who are struggling with the loss of loved ones! Thank You for Psalm 4 You gave me at 4AM to read! Thank You for being able to go back to sleep after reading it and praying! Thank You for all the ways You encourage me through Your Word, songs, people, circumstances! Thank You for my time with Miss Lilly and Mr Grayson yesterday! I enjoyed them so much! Thank You for cleansing me so You can fill me to overflowing with You! May You ooze out of my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts today in a mighty way. I can so relate to Psalm 4:7. The intense pleasure you give me surpasses the gladness of harvest time, even more than when the harvesters gaze upon their ripened grain and when their new wine overflows. Thank You for restoring my life to where new wine is flowing out of me! I pray for more widows/widowers to have this type of experience in their life. Thank You Jesus for being My Champion Defender! Amen.

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