Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Psalm 33 - "Here In Your Presence"

Yesterday I was on a webinar from SNU that I never thought would impact me so greatly personally. I anticipated learning some preaching tips, how to be a better pastor, etc. The things I heard were things that will make me a better pastor because they make me a better person. God is so good to provide exactly what we need, when we need it. There was a time in the program where we were to write down a lament of prayer. It was to include a lament of our: disappointment with God; disappointment with the people in our church; and disappointment with ourselves. The prayer grew as it went along. The lament with God was short. The lament about my people was a little longer. The lament with myself was very long. I questioned if I were 'bad' for some things I was feeling. I lamented over decisions I have before me. I lamented over me in the role of a pastor. I questioned if I were 'wrong' to desire some things in life. It was quite an experience to write this prayer of lament. The title of the first session was called "Manna in the Mess of Ministry." God provides 'manna' no matter what is happening in our lives. God provided manna every day to the Israelites as they were in the wilderness. They exercised trusting God to provide for them. We need to do the same. Sometimes God provides for us and we miss His provision because we are looking for something different. We must stay focused on Him so we do not miss what He has for us. As I thought about some decisions I have been praying about I wondered if I had missed God's answer. I pray that is not the case. I pray as God continues to provide 'manna' for me in response to my prayers I will not only see it but accept it. I like the word picture given in Scripture of manna being bread-like that tastes like honey. That means it is something filling and sweet. That is how I like to think about God being in my life. I desire Him to fill me to overflowing with Himself so people will see/hear Him instead of me. I also desire His sweetness to ooze out of me so people will have the desire to follow Him. He woke me in the middle of the night to read Psalm 33. The first three verses are a call to praise God. I love how Matthew Henry describes the beginning of Psalm 33: Holy joy is the heart and soul of praise, and that is here pressed upon the righteous. Thankful praise is the breath and language of holy joy. Woo hoo! I love the concept of holy joy! It is something available to everyone who chooses to live with God in charge of their life. Yesterday's webinar was not what I expected but it was a joy to experience! God provided what He knew I needed to hear. I love verse four of Psalm 33 in The Passion Translation. It reads: For God’s Word is something to sing about! He is true to his promises, his word can be trusted, and everything he does is reliable and right. Woo hoo! ...everything He does is reliable and right! Praise His Holy Name! I have much to praise Him for! Verses twenty through twenty-one in The Passion Translation read:

The Lord alone is our radiant hope
    and we trust in him with all our hearts.
    His wraparound presence will strengthen us.
As we trust, we rejoice with an uncontained joy
    flowing from Yahweh!
Let your love and steadfast kindness overshadow us continually,
    for we trust and we wait upon you!

Woo hoo! I trust Him with my entire being. He continues to be with me and provides what I need. I love the word wraparound that describes His presence in my life. That means He is not just with me some of the time but all the time. I love these verses that describe my joy as being uncontained when I trust Him. Woo hoo!

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the webinar yesterday and all You brought out to me! Thank You for loving me so greatly that You provide 'manna' for me every day! Thank You for putting the desire in my heart to live for You! Thank You for cleansing me so You can fill me today to be more Christ-like! May You ooze out of my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts today in a might way. Thank You for my time with Chrissy yesterday that blessed me in abundance and for board meeting last night! Thank You for opening my eyes to more of Your plan for me personally and as a pastor! Thank You for putting people in my life who encourage me and love on me! I pray Ms Paula will feel Your encouragement today. Thank You for being My Wraparound Presence! Amen.

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