Sunday, March 1, 2020

II Timothy 1:7; Galatians 6 - "The God Who Stays"

The first time God woke me up to pray for pastors He had me pray for specific ones.
  • Doc with the 'tough' days he's been having to feel God's presence in a powerful way.
  • Jed with his back pain.
  • My pastor friend going through chemo to continue to lean into God's strength.
  • Bernie as he is on a Work and Witness trip.
  • Steve who had a migraine yesterday to be pain-free today to preach.
  • Patty as she continues to adjust to pastoring without her husband.
  • Scott and Troy who are on family vacations.
  • Brad as he continues to mourn his grandmother's passing.
The second time He woke me to pray for situations/circumstances.
  • Pastors with churches in decline not only in numbers but more importantly in the spiritual sense.
  • Pastors with financial issues in both their church and in their homes to not allow the enemy to take their focus on of Him.
  • Pastors with prodigal children to not give up praying.
  • Pastors who are seeking God's vision for their church but struggling in the waiting time.
  • First-time pastors to have grace not only from their people but from themselves as they make mistakes.
I love my Saturday night prayer times for pastors. It encourages me greatly to know there are people who pray for Doc and I. I know the importance of prayer in a pastor's life. Many times a pastor can feel alone in this world because of carrying the burdens of many and not having a pastor themselves to consult. But we are never alone. We have other pastors to talk to. I know it can be hard to express your troubles to another pastor but God puts them into our lives for a reason. Paul gives us advice on how to live in Galatians 6. That advice includes that we are to carrying one another's burdens (vs 2). This chapter continues with more advice in verses nine and ten...

And don’t allow yourselves to be weary or disheartened in planting good seeds, for the season of reaping the wonderful harvest you’ve planted is coming! 10 Take advantage of every opportunity to be a blessing to others, especially to our brothers and sisters in the family of faith! (TPT)

At the end of the day, especially on Sundays, pastors can be wiped out from giving of themselves. But we cannot allow the enemy any open door in our lives so we must stay focused on God. We must be intentional in staying in God's presence to keep our faith strong. We cannot allow the enemy to place fear upon us when there is low attendance, a low offering, people's grumbling, etc. Instead we need to stand on II Timothy 1:7 in the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. Then we will be able to love with God's love in the manner He so desires. Oh how I pray for more people, especially pastors, to get to this point in their life.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the blessings You gave me yesterday and the ones ahead in this day! Thank You for the ones who came out and finished the primer at the church building! Lord, continue to encourage us in this process with people and funds. Thank You for the blessing from Joshua with the smoked meat for dinner last night when I was so tired. Father, cleanse me so You can fill me with more of You. May You be my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts today in a more intentional way. May You be greater than my physical aches and pains. Thank You Father for Doc feeling better this morning. I pray You will be His strength as he preaches. I also pray for other pastors who are going through physical issues and preaching. May You be greater than their situations. I again pray for: Jed; my pastor friend going through chemo; Bernie; Steve; Patricia; Scott; Troy; and Brad. I also pray again for: first-time pastors; pastors with decline in attendance and/or offerings; pastors with decline in the spiritual aspect of people's lives; pastors with personal and/or church financial issues; pastors with prodigal children; and pastors seeking Your vision. May all of us have the desire in our heart to be filled with Your Holy Spirit. Father, be greater than the obstacles before us to live a life sold-out to You. Empower us to not allow the enemy any open door. Thank You for being My Pastor! Amen.


Sandi said...

"the wonderful harvest"

This is coming.

My Strength said...

Amen, Sister!