Thursday, March 19, 2020

II Timothy 1:7 - "Waymaker"

One of the perks to this time with social distancing and places being closed is being at home with no pressure of a schedule. Yesterday I spent two hours in the afternoon with Chad Bohi leading worship and over an hour with Noel Kidd and his family worshipping. Praise God for the internet and Facebook Live! My tank was filled up in a mighty way. After having Doc's oncologist appointment and #30 chemo in the morning this was greatly needed. The test came back that the tumor is not specific which means there is nothing to do differently. Chemo will continue on as it has been for as long as he can handle it is what they are saying. I'm still believing God is going to give us a miracle while he is on this earth. I'm saying chemo will continue on until God's time of healing. I'm grateful he has this next week off before another treatment. I'm grateful he woke up this morning feeling better than yesterday. I'm grateful for God's protection over us while we were in the doctor's office and infusion lab. Plain and simple. I am grateful. One of the song last night stuck with me. Part of Waymaker goes like this...

You are here, turning lives around
I worship You, I worship You
You are here, mending every heart
I worship You, yeah, I worship You, Lord

And You are
Waymaker, miracle worker
Promise keeper, light in the darkness
My God, that is who You are

Yes! I am so ready for turning lives around to happen in so many situations. The pancreatic cancer in Doc's body and others who are dealing with various types of cancer; those with other diseases; the coronavirus virus; relationships that are in turmoil; people with financial issues...the list goes on and on. But God uses such things in our lives to bring us closer to Him. He brings 'bad' things to make 'good' things happen. Sounds like my sermon last Sunday. LOL. He will take us and change our hearts when we are open to Him. Some say it is not them that needs to change but someone else when having issues in a relationship. We all can change. We are not perfect. Sometimes it takes us swallowing our pride and saying 'I'm sorry' even when we didn't start the whole mess. I am so grateful for this song that reminds me...
  • When we allow God to be our Waymaker, He will open doors that need opened and shut those that need shut. 
  • When we allow Him to be our Miracle Worker, we will see things accomplished in and through us that are unimaginable. 
  • When we allow Him to be our Promise Keeper, we will never be disappointed in Him because He will answer our prayers. They may not be answered in the manner we want but they will always be answered in what is best for us. 
  • When we allow Him to be our Light in the Darkness, we will not fear the unknown. Instead we will stand upon II Timothy 1:7 in His empowerment and love every moment of every day. We will have His peace in the midst of turmoil.
This is the life I choose to live every day. I ask for His forgiveness and cleansing each morning so He can fill me with His Holy Spirit. I live in His presence so I not only hear His voice but I walk in obedience to it. Oh how I wish more people would experience this type of life. All it takes is dying to self. There are many who refuse to do so because they want to have control of every little aspect of life. If only they would realize there is so much freedom in living a life sold-out to God. No decision has to made without His wisdom when you live such a life. Woo hoo! I love the life I live with Him in total control!

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the joys of yesterday with worship with Chad in the afternoon and then Noel and his family in the evening! Thank You for Tiffany and the kids coming over and helping me with yard work! Thank You for protecting us in the oncologist office and infusion center! Thank You for being with Doc as he was sick after chemo! May You continue to be his strength. Lord, we don't understand why this test came back with the news that there is nothing different to do but You have everything under control and for that we are grateful. We trust You Father as we continue on this unknown journey. When doctors say all that can be done is to continue on the same chemo for as long as he can handle it, we are disappointed yet hopeful. We continue to believe You have a miracle in store for him while on this earth. Lord, we will continue to be faithful as we wait. I pray today for: Tom who had shoulder surgery yesterday; the young father/husband having eye surgery today; the woman recently diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer; my friend having a colonoscopy
tomorrow; Jan who had knee replacement; those who have been diagnosed with the coronavirus and their families; and so many others on my list with physical, mental, emotional, financial, and especially spiritual issues. May You be greater than what people are facing. May You become the King of Kings and Lord of Lords of their lives. Thank You Jesus for being My Waymaker! Amen.

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