Sunday, March 22, 2020

II Timothy 1:7 - "I Refuse"

There are many pastors doing something different today than they have ever done before. Different is not always 'easy' but instead it can be challenging. This morning I am a bit apprehensive with the new experience ahead. I love to preach and feel comfortable doing what God has called me to do. But my comfortable place is with a group of people I can see and interact with. It is not in front of a camera without a live audience. It is a bit like when I had to video sermons for my classes. At least then I had people in an audience except for the time the camera didn't work. Yesterday I was reminded of two very important things I need to remember. One came from the sermon itself. We do not have to fear being a failure because God can’t fail! The second came from a dear friend. Just an audience of one, right? God will be with me just as He always is. I do not have to fear messing up. All I have to do is present what He has given me. As I stand upon II Timothy 1:7 the Holy Spirit will empower me. His strength is my strength. I am praying His love will flow out of me in such a way people will see/hear Him and not me. I pray the same for all pastors preaching through this avenue today. During the night I prayed for those who were feeling 'a bit off' with this. I prayed they would feel His empowerment and strength. I prayed for the enemy to be knocked down and the Lord glorified even if things go different than any of us desire. This avenue is one that can reach people otherwise not reachable. I prayed throughout the night for Him to glorified through every Bible preaching sermon brought forth today. No matter what format it is given through. I prayed for those who will have the opportunity to teach Sunday School to be blessed in abundance. I prayed for churches with praise teams or worship leaders to bring music that is inviting to people. All of my prayers included for God to be glorified. My sermon is entitled The Best of Times, The Worst of Times...The Choice Is Yours. Pastors have a choice to make as we minister to people through these days that are so different. We can get creative in how we can share His love without being with people in person or we can put our heads in the sand until it's over. One thing is for certain. The only way the desire of God's heart will be accomplished is by us standing in His strength and empowerment. We can not only listen to His voice but must walk in obedience to it. The words to a song Josh Wilson sings come to my mind this morning...

'Cause I don't want to live like I don't care.
I don't want to say another empty prayer.
I refuse to
Sit around and wait for someone else
To do what God has called me to do myself.
I could choose
Not to move but I refuse.

Yes! I refuse to allow the enemy any open door into my life. I refuse to allow the coronavirus from stopping me from doing what God has called me to do. I refuse to fear and instead will continue to stand upon His empowerment. Plain and simple. I refuse.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the ten hours of sleep last night! Thank You for being with us yesterday as we had to find a tripod! Thank You for the way Staples was protecting their customers with curb side service! Thank You for giving us a time for lunch in the car at The Sands! Your creation is so beautiful! Thank You for cleansing me so You can fill me! May You be my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts throughout this day. May You knock the enemy down when he comes knocking at my door trying to put fear upon me over this morning. I will continue to stand upon II Timothy 1:7. Your empowerment and strength is what I desire. Father, be with Doc today not only in his physical body but also in his emotional, mental, financial, and most of all his spiritual bodies. May You be His Healer in a mighty way today, May His pain and fatigue be less. Father, I continue to pray for all in these days of uncertainty to know You are there for them. I pray for people to get to the end of themselves so they will not only accept You into their heart but also allow You to be the King of Kings and Lord of Lords over their life. Thank You for being My Choice! Amen.

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