Sunday, March 29, 2020

II Timothy 1:7; Proverbs 3:5-6 - "God's Not Done"

During the night when God woke me to pray it was not just for pastors but for a specific group. He had me pray for pastors who have lost ones in their flock yet can't be with families as they mourn. It is so sad to think about these circumstances. It makes my heart hurt to think of people who normally would call their pastor when a loved one dies and the pastor going to be with comfort help in whatever way possible. It also hurts my heart to think of how many people are alone in their last moments on this earth and how many people are alone in hospitals. I cannot even begin to imagine how hard it is on parents who aren't allowed to be with their children who are hospitalized. I think about how many elderly people I would visit when I was a Hospital Chaplain who were so lonely. They looked forward to visits from myself and the other Chaplains. People need people. Phone calls, texts, emails, cards, etc. are not enough. We need human touch. This virus has taken so much from us but it can never take God away from us. My prayers also went to the pastors who preached last night or will this morning to more than ever before via the internet. God's Word is getting into people's lives that normally does not happen. Even in our little group we know of three people that watched last week that don't normally attend church. Woo hoo God! He will use our present 'bad' circumstances and turn them into something 'good' when we are open to His Holy Spirit. Pastors must be in relationship with Him where they not only hear His voice but walk in obedience to it. We must stand upon II Timothy 1:7 as He takes us into unknown territories in ministry. We must stand upon Proverbs 3:5-6 as we trust Him to lead us where He so desires. It is exciting to live such a life. There are times the enemy tries to throw in a curve ball but he is not who I follow. God is the Only One who has a say in my life. Oh how I pray for more people to die to self so God is on the throne of their heart.

Dear Jesus, 
Thank You for Your love, mercy, and grace! Thank You for our video chat with Ben's family yesterday! Thank You for waking me during the night to pray for pastors! Thank You for encouraging me to stand upon II Timothy 1:7 and Proverbs 3:5-6! Lord, cleanse me so You can fill me. May You be my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts throughout this day in a more intentional way. I pray for a better day for Doc. I pray You will relieve the pain in his stomach. Be with him as he preaches and encourage him through the sermon you have given him. I pray for wisdom for him with not having chemo this week. I also pray for all pastors who are finding a new rhythm to life right with all of the restrictions upon us. May each of them find Your peace in a mighty way. May all of us seek You for the desires of Your heart. Thank You for being My Pastor! Amen.

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