Saturday, March 21, 2020

II Timothy 1:7 - "Waymaker"

Being in bed for ten hours should make one feel rested but with being awake three of those hours I sure don't feel that way. After praying for everyone and everything that came to my mind I asked God to let me go back to sleep but that didn't happen. I struggled with what I was missing. I cried out to Him to reveal to me whatever it was and nothing happened. I felt discouraged and realized the enemy would pounce on discouragement in a heartbeat. The beginning of the song Waymaker kept going over and over in my mind...

You are here, working in this place
I worship You, I worship You

Yes! All I need to do is to worship Him. I need to speak Scripture, sing, praise Him, etc. when life starts becoming overwhelming. I need to allow Him to calm my Spirit from the things that go through my mind. I need to stand upon II Timothy 1:7 and not fret over the present circumstances. I need to make sure I do not give the enemy an open door into my life. I have heard some people say the coronavirus is the devil. If that is true, I sure do not want to give him an open door into my home. It is weird to not be packing up lunch and supplies and heading to the building to paint today. It will be different tomorrow to not gather as a church body. But we are living in different times and life is not as we usually know it. The one thing that is not different is God. He is here for me no matter what time of the day or night. He is my...

Promise Keeper, Light in the Darkness
My God, that is who You are
Waymaker, Miracle Worker
Promise Keeper, Light in the Darkness
My God, that is who You are

Yes! He is all of these to me. I love the part of the song that goes...

You are here, touching every heart
I worship You, I worship You
You are here, healing every heart
I worship You, I worship You
You are here, mending every heart
I worship You, I worship You
You are here, turning lives around
I worship You, I worship You

Yes! He touches me every minute of the day/night. He heals me. He mends by broken heart. He turns my life around. Praise His Holy Name! Oh how I am praying for His healing over our land in a mighty way. We believers need to step up our game on bringing His love to others throughout these tough days with this virus. We must get creative in how to do that without physical contact during this time of social distancing. We must allow Him to reveal to us opportunities to do so. People need God every day but when life is going along as normal they don't realize it. It takes such circumstances as we are currently in for them to get to the end of themselves. God is the Answer for all. It just has to be the right time for people to accept Him. I believe now is that time. 
cDear Jesus,
Thank You for the ways You loved on me yesterday and throughout the night! Thank You for the people You brought to my mind to pray for during the night! Thank You for giving Doc strength for another day! Father, may his pain be less today and may He feel Your presence in a mighty way. Cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with Your Holy Spirit. I pray for opportunities to love with Your love even from the walls of my home. I pray for calmness in my spirit over things that are weighing heavy on my heart. I continue to pray for the physical needs of those who had surgery this week. Jan and the young father/husband who had serious eye surgery. I also pray for those with comprised immune systems to be protected from the virus. May them and their families make wise decisions. I pray for those who have had recent deaths yet due to the virus cannot have funerals. May You be Michelle and others comfort. Lord, be greater than this virus. I pray all of us to be on our knees in repentance every day. May more believers come into relationship with You where You are not only their King of Kings but You are their Lord of Lords. May they die to self so You can live in and through them. Lord, help us all to live more in the manner You desire. I am sorry when I mess up or when I miss an opportunity put before me. Thank You for giving second chances! Thank You for being My Waymaker! Amen.

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