Friday, March 20, 2020

II Timothy 1:7; Matthew 22:36-40 - "Love the Lord Your God"

These days we are experiencing are days we've never experienced before. They are days of hopelessness. But those who are in relationship with God have Him as their Hope. When we feel our hope falling away, we need to get into His Word and on our knees more than ever before. We need to share with a Christian brother or sister what is going on in our life so they can not only speak life to us but be praying for us. The whole 'social distancing' does not mean we should isolate ourselves from others. There may be a time when isolation is what is needed in the physical sense but that does not mean we should isolate ourselves in a social sense. We still need to have contact with others. We need to be communicating through email, phone, social media, etc. God cannot work in and through us if we cut ourselves off from others. The enemy will pounce upon people who do so. He will put thoughts in people's head that no one cares about them. Communication is a two-way street. We need to make an effort in communicating just as others do. We cannot cut ourselves off from others. Instead we need to be intentional on making contact with one another. This is crucial now more than ever. I am reminded this morning of the Greatest Commandments found in Matthew 22:36-40. This morning I chose to read it from The Passion Translation.

36 “Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?”
37 Jesus answered him, “‘Love the Lord your God with every passion of your heart, with all the energy of your being, and with every thought that is within you.’ 38 This is the great and supreme commandment. 39 And the second is like it in importance: ‘You must love your friend in the same way you love yourself.’ 40 Contained within these commandments to love you will find all the meaning of the Law and the Prophets.”
Yes! I love the word passion! I am passionate about loving God. I am passionate about sharing His love with others. I am passionate about believers taking the next step after salvation. Plain and simple. I am passionate. There is a problem with verse thirty-nine. There are many people who do not love themselves. They see only their flaws and because of that they put themselves down. When we put ourselves down, we are putting God down because He was the One to create us. When we love ourselves, we are not being conceded. Instead we are loving God. As we live a life of loving God and loving others we will live the life God desires of us. As we live a life passionately loving God, we will be living the life He has called us to live. We do not have to fear what others will think about us. We do not have to fear saying the wrong words or doing the wrong thing. We do not have to fear failing. Plain and simple. We do not have to fear. Instead we can be empowered by His love to live in the way He so desires of us (II Timothy 1:7). These days of social distancing have been days of filling my spiritual tank up through being in His Word, praying, singing, etc. more than what I normally do. I desire to be so in tune with Him. I want to make sure I am doing what He has in store for me to do, saying what He desires, and being His servant in the manner He so desires. I desire to speak/write life over people. I am thankful when He brings specific Scripture for me to share with others. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the opportunities You put before me to love others even in a time we are not doing our 'normal' way of life! Father, I miss the people I am usually with throughout the week. I miss in-person interaction. I know there are many people who would rather be alone but You did not create me in that manner. You created me as a 'people person' and for that I am thankful. Lord, cleanse me so You can fill me with more of Your Holy Spirit. I know as You do I will have Your eyes to see opportunities put before me to love with Your love. Father, I also pray for Your healing touch to be upon Doc as he continues with the after effects of the chemo this week. May You give him physical, emotional, mental, financial, and spiritual strength today in a new, different way. The tears were falling when I brought in yesterday's mail. Thank You for the generous donation for the church building fund we received yesterday! May You bless their hearts in abundance. Thank You for all who gave through Doc's Facebook birthday fundraiser and through checks sent through the mail! Lord, You are so great! You provide through people in mighty ways! What an encouragement to both us and our little congregation not only through money received but for servants like Bob who has been painting this week. Lord, I pray You will be an Encourager not only to Doc but others who are dealing with physical issues; those who have lost their jobs; those who are struggling financially with loss of hours; those who are struggling with having their kids home 24/7 and getting school work done; those now working from home and struggling; all who need to get better sharing Your love; and for those effected by the coronavirus in their bodies and/or loved ones. May You be greater than the things upon all of us. Thank You Jesus for being My Passion! Amen.

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